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It's getting tight for time now!! xD I think I can make it but I still have a lot to do on my list of things to finish before I submit the demo T_T

There's some additional voice acting for other characters being recorded atm that's not going to make it in because I just won't have time to cut it up and put it into the demo before the submissions are due! They will still be added afterwards of course :3

Having difficulty staying awake at this point, haha. Every night I'm staying up until about 4am, getting up again at 9am, the tiredness is reeeeeaaaaally catching up to me now. It's almost like I have one less day as well because I have things to do on Sunday, which means I really need to submit it sometime Saturday if I can.

It would be helpful if I had someone to keep slapping me every time I start dozing off xD