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I've decided to try using a standard format for all my feedback this time around. Please excuse me if I come across as overly curt or miss something important about your game. I'm writing these all quite hastily as there are a lot of games in the jam this year!

What I liked

The intro. It's amazing.

The sounds and graphics, which remind me of some of the dodgy flash games from the 2000s.

What I didn't like

The gameplay. It's not bad but just seems like another dodgy platformer.

Did I think it was so bad it was good?

I think so. I think it falls into that hard to define category.

My thoughts on the modifier implementation

It's taken literally, which is okay but there are more creative interpretations out there.

Other remarks

I couldn't get very far- I got stuck on the part with the closed in platforms and the enemy. No matter what I could never get close enough to make the jump before the enemy charged and blocked it off.


It's silly but works well for this jam. I wish I could get further into the game.

If you have any questions, comments, queries or concerns, please reply and I'll do my best to get back to you.

(1 edit)

Hey, thank you for writing all of that!
I definetely can understand why you didn't like the gameplay. I really wanted to make it bad, but I think, that I went too far in a few places. It can definetely come off as "Just bad", rather than "So bad, it's good".

About the modifier implementation... I didn't really know what the modifier was when I was making this game.  So there's no real implementation of it.
And don't worry, a LOT of people had trouble with the exact part you got stuck on. It is possible to beat tho, people that playtested it got thru.
Thanks for feedback and take care

(Also, sorry if my English sucks, I'm not a native speaker)