No problem. Thanks for making it! I built a quick loader for final maps for the engine we use, posted about that here...
A couple of things that would be nice now that I've been playing with it:
- I'd love to have the input map also (maybe optionally) save to the JSON. It would be nice to get to the original brush info, at least the way I'm using it
- Same could be said for the pre-final map, but I don't know if it's as useful
- If you were to do that, brush labels would be nice
- [updated] Having the animations and tags w/ the rules would be helpful.
- In fact, a little table of tile width/height, spacing, anis and tags would be good for randomly generated maps
My use case would be to query the input maps x,y to figure out what the original tile type might be. (e.g . room, hallway, etc.)
Anyway, awesome work.