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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

EDIT: I was wrong; don't do this. See below for details.

Copy and paste the saves folder (which is in the "game" folder) from the old version to the new version.

Thanks I'm excited to play the new update.


saves are actually in your appdata folder

C:\Users\YourProfile\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Harem Hotel-numbers

Since its not in the game folder itself, you can just delete it in its entirety and download the new one, and they will automatically be there. No extra steps

Thanks, I didn't know that!

(1 edit)

I recommend against doing this! This could cause errors. Your saves on PC/Mac are already there when you attempt to load your saves. Simply install the new version, launch it, and load your save. It's already there with no extra steps necessary.

This step is necessary on Android though.

Not sure if this helps, but I have been using an Amazon Fire HD10 to play and my saves were available as soon as I installed the update.