Oh ya it totally worked and it was painless!
I just added some quads on the text ("sprite1", "sprite2" etc). Then I do this:
// Replace "sx" tags with appropriate Super Text Mesh Quad tags
for (int i = 1; i < actionEffectState.numberOfPhases; i++)
// There will be 6 sprite quads named sprite 1-6 on the Super Text Mesh and this replaces sX with quad spriteX
_descriptionText.text = _descriptionText.text.Replace("s" + i, "<quad=sprite" + i + ">");
_descriptionText.data.quads["sprite" + i].texture = effectModel.fullViewSprites[i - 1].texture;
Easy peasy!
Thank you for the help! This was a lot less complicated than I thought it was going to be haha!