Hey I thought of something cool, what if another way to non-permanently remove desires would be through signing them up for jobs in the world? Like maybe a night club where the bus boys would only wear gym shorts (in reference to a famous new york club with the same theme) or maid cafes where they would were maid outfits (for even the boys :P), sports teams like baseball/football/soccer but with the team uniforms being more revealing (like football team might only be wearing helmets and protective pads), or pet cafes where they dress up as pets or something! (to be clear, desires left from your team would be working as the bus boys/maid waitresses/players/pets/etc) (also i guess the costumes would be like the halloween costumes instead of the easter costumes since they wouldn't be in the menu anymore)
And maybe in the future there would be a random pool of people who get hired to work at these places as well that can randomly appear (somewhat or very rarely, like sport player desires, etc) and you can recruit them for your troop from the work places, or re recruit desires you need that you put to work there?