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I need an example bit of code to be able to evaluate and fix though.

I've done nothing in this area (as far as I'm aware )since I added set_sentence. It was designed to fall through.

submit_command is the one that submits a brand new command and re-executes on_command {} from the top (with or without an additional tick).

My own test code (posted) demonstrates how it's supposed to work, so I'd like to understand what you don't think is working via a code snippet.


Don't worry about it now. I haven't got time to muck about with code snippets and I no longer have access to the old version, as I've updated to 42b. Once I've updated, I can't go back. Pity.

If it just falls through, then it's pretty pointless. You might as well just skip the set_sentence and do normal processing, albeit with extra if statements or setting flags or something.

It falls through by design. I don't understand what you want it to do instead.

Let me know how you think it should act and I'll 100% review if it's possible via a parameter.

Later. I'm only talking about how it used to work, not how I want it to work. I thought my game was working fine, but I've had to re-engineer some parts because it no longer works as it used to. Like I said, I might be mistaken. Maybe it never worked properly and I've only noticed it now because I'm testing, but I was so happy with the way it used to work that I was using it a lot to convert two-word input into multi-word input.

OK, but make a copy of the code you expect should be working so I can take a look at it later.

Too late. I've already overwritten it. But I can remember what it looked like. Basically something like:

: match "hit baddie" {
   : if (preposition_is "" && noun2_is "" && is_carried "thing") {
      : set_sentence "hit baddie with thing";
   // Some other tests or statements
   : if (preposition_is "with" && noun2_is "thing") {
      // Do stuff