me: *smacc* >:p
Para: *takes ur hand a duct tapes it to ur back* have fun with that mortal, c'mon Dante, Zoe lets go
Zoe: but shes so cute! can i keep her?
Para: i TOLD yew no more elves, we have enough, plus they smell bad
Zoe: okay that IS true but i want her!
Dante: if she was i guy id want to keep her, but nevertheless
Zoe: to laet shes mine!
Para: *head into le main office*
*git rdy this b long*
the first place you enter is a dark hallway, the floor is a very lush soft brown carpe, and the walls are also dark red-brown with papers and posters in random places, then you enter the kitchen-living room, same colors as the hallway, but the floor is wood, and the counters, couch and kitchen stuff are beige and tan*