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me: *smacc* >:p

Shaitos sister appears*

Haka (Sister): Oh sister! I thought we would be at the core by now.

me: >:3, wassup

Haka:Oh- so brats are in the way? Just kill them like father killed her grandpa!and how her own father killed her mother!

Shaito:Theres no need

Me: .... what

Para: *takes ur hand a duct tapes it to ur back* have fun with that mortal, c'mon Dante, Zoe lets go

Zoe: but shes so cute! can i keep her?

Para: i TOLD yew no more elves, we have enough, plus they smell bad

Zoe: okay that IS true but i want her!

Dante: if she was i guy id want to keep her, but nevertheless

Zoe: to laet shes mine!

me: 🖕. I smell like the woods >:(

Zoe: i also want those two

Para: Zoe, you cant keep mortals liek pets, they die in like two weeks

Zoe: theyre MINE

Dante: *charming da ladies**but hes gay*

Zoe: *takes all of you*

Para: FINE, Zoe, you can keep them

Zoe: yay!!

me: >:T

Zoe: *happy happy happy*

Para: *fuck this shit im out*

me: *annoyed but idk why*

Zoe: *le takes yew hoem*

*there hoem is a underground Wal-mart turned into a strip club*

me: :0 *AWKWARDNESS ENGAGE* *what do i do what do i do*

Para: *head into le main office*

*git rdy this b long*

the first place you enter is a dark hallway, the floor is a very lush soft brown carpe, and the walls are also dark red-brown with papers and posters in random places, then you enter the kitchen-living room, same colors as the hallway, but the floor is wood, and the counters, couch and kitchen stuff are beige and tan*

(1 edit)

Taka used psychic abilities to cut the tape open for her and her sister *

Taka:You little s-stinky piece of poop

Shaito facepalmed in embarrassment *

Zoe: i also want those two

Para: Zoe, you cant keep mortals liek pets, they die in like two weeks

Zoe: theyre MINE

Dante: *charming da ladies**but hes gay*

Zoe: *takes all of you*

Para: FINE, Zoe, you can keep them

Zoe: yay!!


Taka screamed in a supersonic pitch deafening them for the moment*

Dante: *can turn his hearing off at will* sorry honey

Para: *deaf**closes one eye to focus in the vibrstions in the Earth to hear* yes we can


how could para hear what shaito even say then)

*vibrations last a long time dude, fact, especialy loud/strong ones*

Para: and anyways there isnt any debating when it comes to Zoe

Zoe: *picks you guys up and hugs you all tightly* mine! ^ ^

Dante: *turns it back on**cant hear very well but can still hear* alrighty then we'll be heading home now

(1 edit)

Taka: "Not for long it will!" 

*She realized she said it out loud*

Taka: "Woops"

*Shed teleport somewhere else*

Para: what was that kid?

Zoe: what? what do you mean, my precious pet?

Dante: hmm?


Shaito put her hand over her mouth as of being annoyed*

Shaito:Shut. Up.

Like that taka did shut up.

Shaito:Are you sick in the head or something? We have been living longer than whatever weird species you are. Were not gonna be "flies"

me: >:( *hmph!*