That's a hell of a feedback, many thanks!
So for the numbers, enemies have 6HP by basic, Explosive deals 1 or 2, fire burns for 2 or 3, lightning deals 2, rock is supposed to deal 1 or 2 based on velocity, but it's a bit buggy, and green regens them for 2 or 3, and yes, you can overheal them.
Same with boss, 300HP but sadly I knew it's easy to cheese him, that's why I planned another move which disables platforms and pushes player back. The stones he's summoning can also damage him that's why there are none falling next to his head.
If you've beaten the game then you should know why 'Dinner' does this.
I thought of adding healthbars but with overheal it would look... weird. But never thought of numbers, will surely try that out! (first I need to patch enemy movement tho)
Yes, that is a seal, and no, you can't (yet) talk to it.
But I'll probably work a bit on it. Again, thanks so much for the feedback!