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I played the ZX Spectrum version, very cool,  and I noticed the following two issues.

The first is that the logging onto the PC fills the screen too much for the Speccy version. Maybe split the header of the PC OS pages into one blow, then press any key, clear screen to get the option list.

The section issue is that examining the debris, and examining the desk doesn't show a message before refreshing the object list. 

You should have these routines written like this:

: match "examine desk" {
   : print "You discover xxx, and yyy.";
   : create "xxx";
   : create "yyy";
   : press_any_key;    : redescribe; }

Thanks for the feedback, it was a little tricky getting it to a state that was okay. I would have preferred to have the pc have no graphics, but every time I did that it would output the loading screen graphic in its place. I decided on that as a quick fix. 

I'm not sure I'm encountering the same error you are with the examining debris and desk. Here is my code: 

: match "examine debris" {
      : if (is_present "scattered_debris"){
         : print "There is construction debris kicked all over the floor!";
      : if (is_present "debris") {
         : print "You kick your foot through the debris, scrapping a nail and a razor blade into the open." ;
         : create "nail" ;
         : create "blade" ;
         : destroy "debris" ;
         : create "scattered_debris";
         : press_any_key ;
         : redescribe ;


And when I run it in the emulator it gives me a message and then refreshes the screen.