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I can't untangle the code from the screenshot.

I can tell you that all your match statements should only be below the on_command block (and not within an if statement).

You don't need the Boolean variable for checking if the key is present, you can use is_present "brass_key".

Also try reading about the && operator in the manual. Your if statement depth is too complex. && Will simplify things. 

I'm assuming your issue is with the code constantly hitting redescribe.

If you don't meet the jam deadline, I can add you as a late entratt, don't worry.

(1 edit)

No, I managed to fix it on my own and submit the game :D. Thanks for the advice, I’ll be sure to save it! For some reason, the boolean just works better and is less prone to becoming a feedback loop. Additionally I separated the Match block from the If section, I must have incidentally done what you said.

Thanks for the help Chris! This is my first time coding and working through the game design process, sorry if I caused any trouble.

It's not trouble, but it is difficult to help without sharing the same screen sometimes. 

Do listen to feedback on your game, and try to refine it from the feedback. The first game is the hardest, but it gets much easier.

Thanks for taking the time to join.