well it come from a good idea, but god it so hard, you can barely do anything each day since each action take you almost 1/10 of your life, you earn almost nothing each day, and if you pick the wrong job at start (miner for gemstone and artificer) you can say goodbye to your fun, in addition of to stay with the beginning: if you want to have some chance in fight and have good starting stats you should forget your jobs and so income, in my opinion it would be better to do in fact 2 poll of points, one for stats, and a other for jobs.
Plus some items that are really important for some jobs (seeds and salt for massed potatoes for example) only come one every full moon, can't you do a shop keeper that have some basic things always like a convenience store at less for these things and a other for furniture that change everyday through raids and that have more with the licking of peoples/number of kids you made?
well hopping that this game would became a little more playable on future update