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A member registered Aug 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's an old RPG maker engine, pretty sure it doesn't have that feature.

I am going to add save points in the Minion Mode soon, so those will hopefully remind people to save the game.

Thank you! ^ ^

Scene Transitions can be turned OFF in Extra Options (it's an Item in your inventory that pulls up some extra Options that aren't available in the Menu GUI).

You actually start of with a decent bit of money if you sell your starting Potions, Maid Dresses and starting Furniture (except Stove and bed, don't sell those please).

Opening Chests can also give 3-8 Silver per day (assuming you can see and disarm traps) when you sell the contents. There is actually not that many uses for money in game, especially once you get a few hours in.

It appears at 7PM on the northern beach in Amber Wilds each day, it will vanish at 8PM.

Sorry for the late reply. The maximum number of stacks is 25 at which point you get a Title "Chew Toy" which does nothing at the moment. However, this whole feature is getting removed in the next update and your Will Power Points will be refunded. I am currently working on a large Werewolf Village and the relationship with Werewolves is being reworked completely.

I should also note, that the attack of Werewolves increases based on the number of children they have as well, there is currently no cap on this damage (it will be capped later, mostly likely in the next release).

No, I considered adding it very early in development but decided against it as it makes it harder to make passibility in maps.

It will take a while still. Next update will have a new Heroine added which usually has a lot of content tied to her.

Thank you, the mapping takes quite a bit of time, but I feel it is worth it :)

At the moment it would require too much work, especially if I had to redraw all the Sex Scenes to reflect that. Maybe once I finish the game I could try to work backwards and implement it as an option, but I make no promises since that's probably quite far off in the future.

Main character is a guy, he just has long hair.

The game Rolls a 6 sided dice and adds your INT score to it. Having read "Fairy Riddles" adds +2 to the roll.  Having read "Fairy Vaults" adds +3 to the roll.  Having the Meticulous Trait adds +2. 
Your combined score has to be 15 or above to be able to translate it. I'm guessing you had a higher INT score in the previous playthrough. You can try equipping some Aquamarine or Sapphire Amulets and maybe drinking a Raven's Wisdom Potion that increases INT by 2 points for a short while.

You just need to raise your STR to 6, you can do it with Silver Ruby Amulets, they give +2 to STR. You can mix some Garnet ones in as well. There is also a Potion (Bear's Might) that you can buy from Aria at Affection level 60+ that raises your STR by 2 points for a short while.

The Goblin Merchant sells Leather sometimes, it's a low probability though.

You can make Leather yourself though (without any skills). You need a Tanning Knife which you can buy from the Goblin Blacksmith. When you use it, it will let you turn 2 Rat Pelts into 1 Leather. Or 1 Wolf Pelt into 1 Leather. Or 1 Pyrodon Pelt into 2 Leather.

You can buy Pelts from the Hunter NPC in Amber Wilds or by hunting Rats, Wolves or Pyrodons.

Hey, sorry for the late reply, my notification didn't pop up for some reason.

Cute Shoes are in the locked room on the second floor, inside the little red box on the shelf. You can either pick the lock or use the vines outside the brothel to climb in through the window!

They have ~30% chance to spawn somewhere on each map once per day during Daytime hours. They don't have a fixed spawn but are more likely to spawn near roads. If you leave a map where a Traveler has spawned or save and load the game, they will despawn on that map.

The Hunter traveler is special, he always spawns in Amber Wilds, though his camp location can vary.

Nothing story wise, I haven't made the story past that, though there are still other scenes and events you can find.

Sorry for the late reply.

You can buy the Agriculture Skill from a Succubus on the second floor of the Goblin Brothel on Saturdays. You can also very rarely find it in Chests as a Book. Another way is to Enslave the Student NPC and donate him to a Goblin Household, then he will teach it to you for a price.

To Break the Curse:

1) Capture a Student NPC (you have to use Invisibility Potion first and hit him over the head while carrying a Rope in your Inventory. Then bring him to Saffron.


2)Find a Priest NPC and buy a Remove Curse Scroll from him.

These NPCs have a ~30% chance to spawn once a day per map in a random location, though they are more likely to spawn near roads. They wont spawn at Night and if you leave the map they despawn.

I will have a look into it, I don't remember all the event script locations where they're present so I might not be able to get them all of them first time.

There is no walkthrough that I know of.

To raise her affection give her Gifts. Stuff like gems and flowers. Go into your inventory and select an item that has a [Gift] tag, this will change your walking sprite to reflect you walking with a present. After that talk to any female NPC to gift it to them.

The spell combo mechanic was mostly inspired by some Final Fantasy games, the order for each given spell is the same so after a few tries it's not too hard to learn the order, since they are pretty short.

The fight in the game are designed for combat classes. Most of the player stats also come from armour, weapons and accessories. Once sufficiently geared most of these fights become extremely easy. With a decent set of armour and a score of 5+ in INT stat, a magic user can defeat 2-4 Werewolves before needing to restore health.

There is a way to cheat XP in game for those that find progression too slow. You can use the cheat sheet to get infinite money and then buy infinite Skill tomes from a Succubus in the Brothel on Saturday to get infinite XP. I initially didn't even have Hero mode as I set XP accumulation rate based on personal preference. Most people found it too slow so I introduced Hero mode... which some people find too slow as well. At the end I just added the Cheat Sheet so people can use it to get however much money they want and in effect as much XP as they want. This way the player can just set their own reward/progression because it's the only way I know to just appeal to everyone.

As for Player Leveling. Player level in this game is his Rank in the Demon Queen's army, it will go up to a maximum of 5 (currently planned) based on main story progression. The first Rank Up quest is being worked on now for the next big update!

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Leather can be made using a "Tanning Knife" from Rat Pelts, Wolf Pelts and Pyrodon Pelts. The amount of pelts required depends on what pelt is used.

If you have trouble defeating enemies for their pelts, you can purchase pelts directly from the Hunter NPC in Amber Wilds.

The easiest way is to either craft or find some Garnet Amulets (the ones with red stones as cores) those each give +1 and you can equip 4 of them. Or you can craft or find Ruby Amulets, they give +2 and you can also equip 4 of them. Ruby ones are much harder to get as the materials for them are found in Werewolf Caves.

Also, you should try to get the actual fighting skills as well, they do significantly more damage than normal attacks.

Either as a random drop from Chests or visit the brothel on Saturday and go to the second floor, there will be a Demon girl there that sells Skill books.

It's there in case I decide to expand the village, it has no actual use for now. I initially had plans to set it as a player owned store, but I shelved that idea (for now).

The Thunder crystal can form when the Lightning Strikes the road, but it is not guaranteed so it's kind of random and rare and you can't influence it.

You can get one from defeating a Mimic with a 25% drop rate, this method is most reliable.

Silver Chest will be added in the next release, it doesn't exist yet.

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That's definitely not the cause, most games on this site, including mine are free to download. 

The only thing I could really suggest is trying a different browser or seeing if your security settings are preventing popups. It really is the first time I see this issue for anyone.

That's strange, I tried it just now and I got the download window popup as well as the "than you" window. Are you only having this issue with my game or with other games on this site too?

You may need to raise your affection with her first, she gets more items for sale the higher her affection is.

You can also get Foraging by capturing the Student NPC and donating him to one of the Goblin Households, after that you can talk to him and he teaches it for a price. Alternatively, there is a Succubus NPC that appears on the second floor of the Goblin Brothel on Saturdays who sells most of the Skill manuals.

Glue you can either craft with Alchemy, buy from the Goblin Merchant (her stock is random though) or buy from the Tengu Alchemist Aria in Citrine Crags.

There are Stone Nodes on practically every map. They are Grey and about the height of the character sprite and look sort of like a pointy crystal.

0.1.9 is in early development stages, two sex scene images are finished and a basic map layout is drawn out.

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There is a datable/sexable Tengu. Then there are Mimics, Werebats, Blue Slimes and Werewolves who will have their way with you if you lose to them. If you Win a fight with Werewolves you can have your way with them instead. There is also an Oni Gangbang that can happen on weekends when working in Aria's store, but you have to progress her story line for her to take you on as her assistant.

The Demon Queen at the start also had one sex scene, but it had strict requirements and is not repeatable for now.

There are about 6 wilderness and cave maps outside the Village with another Heroine living in an Alchemy store a few maps away.

They can be given to both the children and other NPCs. Bunny Plushie is the only one that will appear in the house of Aria and Saffron when gifted to them. 

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She's a Tengu, not a Dark Angel!

I have recently started playing around with the idea of adding furniture into houses of people that you gift them to. For example, gifting the Heroines a "Bunny Plushie" places it in their house. I might try something like that for a bed for children. It's not a high priority right now, but is something I am considering!

It is, I'm expanding the caves now as the main quest will take you through there for your first mission from the Queen.

That is correct, though the main story line was meant to be optional to game play as the focus of the game was always meant to be on the sandbox element.

I have been considering doing this, so maybe in the future!

Thank you!

This is planned for later. I currently don't know how to update the player image inside the combat screen to reflect what he is wearing. However, I will figure it out later and implement it. There is no eta on this but it is one of the features that I definitely want to add.