Thanks for your reply. I agree, even though it's difficult for me to really form a proper opinion on it now because I've played through it so many bloomin times; the expressions make it a great deal better.
The ones in the screenshots I posted will be what I use for the foreseeable future, they're pretty much all I can use if I want to create expressions for every single character (because I haven't found any other set that contains so many different characters, most free to use character sets I've found only have 3/4 characters in, which is fine, but then I'd need to mix lots of different art styles to get sprites for all the characters.)
The fully completed game should have original character artwork with any luck, but that's going to be entirely down to how much money I can save to pay for it. I know how I want the characters to look, but I just don't have anywhere near enough money to pay an artist to create them. So for now I'll just be using Tokudaya's character set. If you happen to know of a way I can do things differently then it'd be cool to hear it, because at the end of the day, I'm just a noob fumbling my way around this! xD