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Devlog 3

Archer AI (Diego): 

Last week I did the AI for the archer, which took about 5 days to complete. The main challenge in terms of programming was getting the archer to run back into the camera and keep its distance from the player whenever possible. In particular, the case for what to do if the archer needs to run back into the camera view but the edge that the archer needs to run back into no longer has a floor that the samurai can stop at, or if there is an obstacle that will prevent the archer from running back into the camera view. Another hard case was in making the archer run to the other side of the camera if the player gets on the side it’s currently running toward. Below is a video of the end result: 

Tileset tests (Diego): 

In addition to working on the archer AI, I also did some tests inside Unity on the city tileset we have so far. So far, the tileset seems like a really strong start, but there are a couple of issues that will need to be fixed. In particular, the second stories of the machiya homes are probably going to be increased in terms of their height by 1 tile. The interior tileset also seems to be a pretty solid start but the hallways are going to be longer to allow for more walking space, and the height will also be increased by 2 tiles to allow more jumping space. We will also need to test the tilesets to see how it looks with the 2d lighting system, since right now there are some parts that can be a little too distracting to the eye. For example, the cage like structure on the front of the machiya’s seems very distracting sometimes, but some possible solutions we have for this are to increase the width of the vertical bars and the spacing between them, and the lighting system should also help to make the player stand out a bit more. For the lighting system, we plan on using Unity’s 2D light package. The chasms that the player jumps through should also be wider, and there were some weird clipping issues being caused when the tileset is sliced. Below is a video of the tileset in action: 

Goals for Next Week:

-Castle Tileset Work

-Spear Samurai Animation Set Completed

-Samurai Champion Animations Start

-Spear Samurai Behavior Programming Start