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I've made an update to the development version of Adventuron.

Please try here:

Thanks, that's sorted out the MY issue, but it's caused another issue with colours this time!

: match "examine wills"  {
      : if (is_beside "blue_car" && noun2_is "car") {
         : print "Testing." ;
         : done ;
   : match "examine your; examine my"  {
      : if (is_beside "red_car" && noun2_is "car") {
         : print "Testing 2." ;
         : done ;
   : match "examine red"  {
      : if (is_beside "red_car" && noun2_is "car") {
         : print "Testing 3." ;
         : done ;
   : match "examine blue"  {
      : if (is_beside "blue_car" && noun2_is "car") {
         : print "Testing 4." ;
         : done ;
   : match "examine car"  {
      : if (is_beside "blue_car" && is_beside "red_car") {
         : print "Testing 5." ;
         : done ;

The 'examine red' and 'examine blue' match statements don't work now - they give the 'examine car' response instead.

Have managed to solve this now with adjective_is, which I didn't know about until Garry mentioned it below!