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Hmm... I'm not quite sure what you mean by the invisible enemies. There's 3 main enemy types, There's the one that moves towards the paddles, there's one that spins and shoots a bullet to the right every time it completes a circle, and there's an enemy that spawns on the left that shoots two bullets on both of the diagonal left angles whenever it gets big. If I had to guess, I'd think that you're talking about the diagonal shooting ones because they shoot really fast. 

The thing with the mouse controls is something I might do, but I fear that it might make the game too easy where you literally just put the mouse over an enemy and then dodge until the enemy is dead while keeping the ball alive. 

True, you don't want to make it too easy... what if you tied the movement of the paddles to the mouse so that the up and down keys could be used for your projected angle?  Otherwise if it is too easy you could always try to influence the direction opposed to setting it.  Just some thoughts.

The invisible enemies were the moving type, and I believe that they started spawning after the Red moving enemy tier.  It was pretty late in the game, I think I maxed out most of my stats lol  Kinda hard to put it down when you can keep leveling up :D


Oh yea, I never actually tested the game until the end. I guess I forgot to cap the max level of the enemies and then it got to the point where it ran out of sprites passed that level so it just went invisible. I didn't really expect anyone to hit the cap, lol.