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A member registered Jan 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Since the theme was "Energy equals Matter", I decided that energy would produce 'matter'. But what is matter? 



  1. 1. physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.

From that definition, matter is basically anything that is tangible. Grass is matter, shoes are matter. If you touch it, it is matter. This whole game is about trading energy for tangible items. 

Hmmm, that's interesting.  I guess I never made it clear, but an alternative to resting to gain energy is to drag food items onto the characters. I believe if you drag some grass/grubs onto the character then that will give it energy (and eat them)

I've considered this game to be a spiritual successor to 'Communal Cauldron', a game I made a year ago for the same gamejam. The main inspiration for that game t was actually Soul Builder, which is the same kind of 'drag item into slot to create item' game that this is.

I believe the item dragging not lining up happens whenever the player is playing in a zoomed in browser. I never had time to test it during the game jam because I only tested it in Unity instead of uploading it to the webpage. If I ever update this game, I'll be sure to fix it.

Hmmm, that's interesting.  I guess I never made it clear, but an alternative to resting to gain energy is to drag food items onto the characters. I believe if you drag some grass/grubs onto the character then that will give it energy (and eat them)

When you hold down left click on a tile, it'll show you all of the recipes for that tile.

When you hold down left click on an item, it will flag the top right of some tiles. The flag indicates that the item is used in a recipe on that tile. It'll be light blue if you've discovered all the items needed for the recipe and dark blue if you still need some. If you hold down right click instead, the game uses the result of the recipe instead.

If you pressed space on a trap with more than 2 seconds remaining, the timer on the trap would be set to 2 seconds. 

Interesting game, feels like the difficulty needs to scale much faster. I managed to get 25587, but if I wanted to beat it, I'd have to spend a long time doing the easy beginning again. 

Yeah, the darts used to be a lot tinier than they were, so I tried to make them bigger but I guess I didn't make them big enough. You're probably right about the lasers, especially when they're on the top. I thought the laser should damage the player because it'd probably be hot from firing, but I guess it isn't visually clear. 

It's a tool with gamified elements.  A math worksheet is a tool to practice math. This is a gamified worksheet generator. Similar to duolingo, which I would call a tool that helps you learn a language, but with gamified elements. 

It's definitely possible to go infinite. I've attached my 243 score.  This one I ended because I got distracted. The only real danger is the endurance: 1s which require a relatively fast kill time.

Managed to get an 84. The strategy of this game seems simple, just let a 2 competence person plot against you forever and kill the other 2 as soon as they start wavering; if it's a 1 endurance character you kill them as soon as they spawn.

Pretty game. Some of it felt a bit unfair like when the enemies would attacking youa s soon as the wave started and they were close to you. One thing I didn't like was the time between waves. On some waves there was a few enemies and it was easy to clear, but then all there was to do was wait. 

Pretty game. Some of it felt a bit unfair like when the enemies would attacking youa s soon as the wave started and they were close to you. One thing I didn't like was the time between waves. On some waves there was a few enemies and it was easy to clear, but then all there was to do was wait. 

Fun game.  Quite challenging as I got farther into the game.  Some of the darker enemies blended in quite a bit with the background. 

Nice game. The lighting effects make it look very pretty. The sneezing every 10 seconds is an interesting way to use the theme. 

The connections to the floor are a bit confusing, first time I walked on them I thoughter that there was a jump button or something.

Alright. I made AVARICE'S CLOCK for this gamejam. This is a bull-hell where the bullets all come from the player and never despawn. You must develop a strategy to maintain safe areas on the map. How high of a score can you get?


I also did a devlog on it: 

Rate mine, leave a comment and I'll rate yours.

At this current update yes, that is mostly because the original was made for a gamejam, and I do plan on updating this later with more interesting cards.

Interesting game where you have to play with the pathfinding. Pathfinding bugged out a few times, but it was looked pretty. 

Interesting and challenging game. Once the spikes appeared, the challenge felt real. Very enjoyable.

I guess I should've made it more clear that each vertical level has a specific number that forces you to move when you have blue (energy). The number is located on the rightmost part of the gray screen. 

Great game, interesting platforming mechanic that really fits with the level design. 

First few levels felt more like a puzzle, and the last level felt like a skill-based game. With more mechanics like switches/keys/doors etc, it could be a great puzzle solving game.

Nice and fun puzzle game. Solutions aren't too hard to find, and are satisfying when you do. I accidentally ctrl+w'd my window the first time which was funny.

The shop seems to be working properly for me. Every time you die, all the enemies are removed from play and you go to the shop. The shop presents you with a number of cards to buy, most of them are better than the base cards. You are also presented with a selection of your current cards which you remove. The deck should be persisting between every death/shop visit (but not if you refresh the browser, unfortunately).

Looks and sounds really good, but it is extremely difficult. The camera made me feel a bit dizzy,  I think it was because I was looking at the platforms move left and the camera was moving right and I felt all crosseyed. I would not change the camera's horizontal position since it seemed like the whole game would be visible (horizontally) even without the moving camera.

Nice game, it's a bit confusing figuring out which monsters to shoot and it's a nice challenge to try to watch both the top and the bottom screen at the same time.

Interesting mechanic, though sometimes it feels impossible to advance without waiting for a good rebound.  Also the lighting got a bit distracting.

Interesting concept, with more mechanics and levels, it could be really amazing.

Once I figured out what the goal of the game was, it was a nice challenge to place the bombs in the correct spots. Placing the bombs was a little finnicky

Interesting Idea, but it seems really difficult to make progress when you get hit once, and almost impossible once you get hit twice, unless you find a hear.

Cute game, sometimes feels unfair that some lives never see water.

The puzzles are hard to find solutions to, which makes it extremely satisfying when you do.

Interesting 3D platformer. The ball keeping speed on death and the randomness of the platforms really add to the difficulty.

Oh yea, I never actually tested the game until the end. I guess I forgot to cap the max level of the enemies and then it got to the point where it ran out of sprites passed that level so it just went invisible. I didn't really expect anyone to hit the cap, lol.

Hmm... I'm not quite sure what you mean by the invisible enemies. There's 3 main enemy types, There's the one that moves towards the paddles, there's one that spins and shoots a bullet to the right every time it completes a circle, and there's an enemy that spawns on the left that shoots two bullets on both of the diagonal left angles whenever it gets big. If I had to guess, I'd think that you're talking about the diagonal shooting ones because they shoot really fast. 

The thing with the mouse controls is something I might do, but I fear that it might make the game too easy where you literally just put the mouse over an enemy and then dodge until the enemy is dead while keeping the ball alive. 

Interesting twist on chess. Figuring out how to avoid stalemate is some situations was quite the challenge.

Interesting twist on snake, giving us a goal that isn't just "get longer". The randomness of the ghost spawns caused me to purposely die until I got ghosts that were close together. I think the pellets should make the snake more than 1 block longer, considering that the snake part of this game isn't hard and I found myself grinding pellets until I was long enough.

The graphics and the sound was cool. The bombs are short ranged and the enemies seem to stop at random so managing to kill them was a bit difficult. Figuring out how to throw bombs was intuitive since if you're not moving horizontally, it falls straight down. 

The graphics and the sound was cool. The bombs are short ranged and the enemies seem to stop at random so managing to kill them was a bit difficult. Figuring out how to throw bombs was intuitive since if you're not moving horizontally, it falls straight down. 

The game was pretty and the sounds were nice. Interesting puzzles, but they were significantly easier to solve going backwards than forwards, since there tended to only be 1 possible way to go backwards. 

the timer felt a Bit out of place, eventually i just started figurING Out the solutions when the timer was out and then pressing reset and then just inputting the solution.