Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 seatback
I finally had a chance to test Code: Evolved on few computers other than mine. The result was not great. While the game works fine on almost all computers, the game revealed extreme lags on Windows 10 system. Luckily I foud the reason for this, but the bad news are that fixing this issue will take few days.
I would also like to use this opportunity to share this problem (and how I fixed it) with anyone who made games in Game Maker and it has the same issue with Windows 10.
Code: Evolved is made in Game Maker 8 (an old program I know but for now that is all I can afford). The problem is in a frame rate setup in the rooms (room speed). I set frame rate in every room to be 100. That way game looks more fluid. And this system works on Windows XP, 7, and 8 (the game is not tested on Windows Vista). Windows 10, however, has a problem in synchronization with Game Maker 8. If the room speed is not set on 30 or 60, Windows 10 will create extream lags.
The solution? I need to set room speed in every room on 60. This creates another problem. Now the game looks like it's running in slow motion. So I need to speed up every animation, every bullet speed, every hit detection cooldown, every effect in the game. And the game is already half done so there are tons of objects and effects. I am not angry about this too much because it's mostly my fault. I should have tested the game on every Windows in the beginnings of the development.
What this all means for Code: Evolved development? A few days of the setback... and hopefully (if everything else stays fine) that will be it. After that, I will continue work on the last stage for Neo Semidori Wolf and in a month or two, the Wolf side of the story is going to be complete.
I want to thank you all for your patience and to thank you for following Code: Evolved development. I am working hard on this game with a ton of love and hopefully, the game will not disappoint.
Also, I hope that my experience will help someone with the same issue. And I will try to upgrade myself soon with Game Maker Studio 2 so I can avoid future problems :) And I'm sorry that this news was more focused on the development problems instead of showing a new stuff in the game.
See you all soon with more news and in the meantime check out a 40 min. demo (3 wolf stages and 1 owl stage) on:
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