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Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2

A topic by MMM created Oct 26, 2016 Views: 17,551 Replies: 147
Viewing posts 1 to 146
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A dark sci-fi story about life, evolution, experiments and creatures made of pure life energy.

GameJolt page: page:

Sequel to White Wolf


The game content:

  • 2 playable characters 
  • 20 big stages open for exploration (10 for each character) 
  • 18 weapons (9 for each character) 
  • Many boss fights 
  • Immersive story 
  • Joystick support and map function
  • Over 30 cheat codes


The story revolves around experiment performed on animals with crystallized life energy. Crystals can cause violent evolution, permanent physical pain, and mental instability on every creature that came in contact with the crystal. The player is in the role of Semidori wolf or Semidori owl which are constantly visited by a mysterious creature that calls himself a Dreamwallker.


Radnja: U pitanju je eksperiment nad zivotinjama pomocu kristalizovane zivotne energije koja moze izazvati nasilnu evoluciju u svim zivim bicima. A sama nasilna evolucija moze u zivotinjama izazvati trajnu fizicku bol, kao i mentalnu nestabilnost. Igrac je u ulozi Semidori vuka (ili sove) koje konstantno posecuje misticno bice koje sebe pretstavlja kao Dreamwalker.

  • Genre: Adventure, Action, Metroidvania
  • Platforms: Windows
  • Language: English, Serbian

Game is still in a very early stage of development but here are few Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 screenshots for you :)




Plans for this game? I'm hoping to release a DEMO with 3 playable stages by the end of the year. The game as a whole will be much larger than White Wolf 1, all complaints about White Wolf are fixed (map function added, joystick mapping, larger story...). I don't know when full version of the game will be released but I'm aiming for a next year.

In the meantime, you can check out White Wolf 1 on


the idea looks quite interesting

Thank You! :)

A few Code: Evolved gifs :)



#CodeEvolved Few Semidori Wolf powers!

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New #CodeEvolved weapon - Rotating crystals!

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Code: Evolved - Small gameplay preview :)

Alternatively check out video on FB page

Working hard on releasing Code: Evolved demo by the end of the year. In the meantime I made Code: Evolved cover / poster / wallpaper :)


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Making NAME ENTERING for save slot whole day! :) :)




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Code: Evolved / White Wolf differences


Code: Evolved is officially 2 months in development. The game is starting to get the shape and now is time to announce the differences between this and White Wolf game.

Bigger world to explore. Even though Code: Evolved have 4 stages less than White Wolf, stages will be much, much bigger. They are so large that I needed to include map function.

Getting stronger: In White Wolf, you could find different talismans that will increase your strength, Hp … That is longer not the case. Now you will get EXP points by killing enemies, and with EXP you can unlock new powers and increase status (directly into inventory). Don't worry though. There will be much more things to find into stages itself :)

A new race of enemies / characters. There are 3 types of enemies in White Wolf: Semidori, Midori, and Chimeras. Code: Evolved will introduce new races like Dreamwalkers and Eradicators (Mecha Semidories). Also, the player will be able to control Owl Semidori in few segments of the story.

Animated intros: This time story will be told in small animated cut scenes in few places through the game.

2 languages are added: English and Serbian

Besides all that there are of course few minor changes like dying no longer leads to the title screen, You can attack down even if your Hp is not full, Joystick mapping, more save slots …

I'm working hard to release 3 stage demo by the end of the year. In the mean time try out White Wolf game and see you all with more news soon :)


Code: Evolved je zvanicno 2 meseca u izradi. Igra je konacno pocela da poprima oblik i vreme je da nabrojim razlike izmedju ove i White Wolf igre.

Veci svet za istrazivanje. Iako Code: Evolved ima 4 kruga manje od White Wolf, krugovi ce biti mnogo veci. Zbog same velicine krugova morao sam da uvedem i sistem sa mapama.

Jacanje: U White Wolf igrici mogli ste naci razne talismane po krugovima koji su vam povecavali snagu, Hp …. To vise nije slucaj. Sada cete ubijanjem neprijatelja dobijati EXP poene koje mozete iskoristiti u inventar za otkljucavanje novih moci i jacanje raznih statusa. Ne brinite, bice jos mnogo predmeta za nalazenje u samim krugovima :)

Nove rase likova / neprijatelja. U White Wolf igri postojale su 3 rase: Semidori, Midori i Himere. U Code: Evolved uvedene su nove rase poput Dreamwalkera i Eradikatora (Mecha Semidori). Takodje igrac ce moci da igra sa Owl Semidoriem na par mesta tokom igre.

Animirani introi: Ovoga puta prica ce biti ispricana pomocu par animiranih introa koji ce se naci na nekoliko mesta u igri.

Uvedena su 2 jezika: Engleski i Srpski

Pored ovoga poboljsao sam jos par manjih stvari kao sto su: Game Over ekran vas vise ne izbacuje na pocetak igre, pijenje krvi iz flase ne ometa napadanje protivnika, uvedeno je dzojstik mapiranje dugmica, umesto jednog postoje 5 save slota …

Radim sto vise mogu da bih otpremio demo sa 3 kruga do kraja godine. U medjuvremenu probajte White Wolf igricu i vidimo se uskoro sa novim vestima :)

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1 stage done, 2 more to go! #CodeEvolved upcoming DEMO :)

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This head ... looks so peaceful ...


Few key items (on EN and SR)!

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Run wolf, RUN!!!



Hey, the game looks pretty cool, will you be needing more music for it? If so I would love to help out, you can check out my portfolio here

Thank you for contacted me! Game is still in a very early stage of development so it's still early to think about music :)

Dream or memory? Or direct continuation from White Wolf 1? :)


When semidori wolf wakes up in a place where almost all life energy is gone!

When semidori wolf wakes up in a place where almost all life energy is gone.png

Stage 2 - Laboratory C-2 now in development! After this stage, DEMO will be released :)


Code: Evolved will have chapter selection screen just like White Wolf. But this time when you finish the stage you directly go to the next one (not on the character selection screen).

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Since Code: Evolved stages are big areas, stages will be divided into 2 smaller parts to break potential over-saturation.

For example, laboratory will have roof part and indoor part :)

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Sleep sweet wolf. Dive into the eternal dream...


A new stage for Code: Evolved demo! I think it has nice atmosphere :):) Also an old enemy Brain-slime midori is here.



Code: Evolved small changes

Since I released first LABORATORY screenshots for Code: Evolved game, I received many negative reactions via mail. Many fans of White Wolf game complained that they played the game because they wanted to explore a dark, phantasy places. Not realistic sci-fi laboratories. And I agreed with that. So... it's time for me to change some things in Code: Evolved. The story will be mostly unchanged but all 10 stages will be set in dark fantasy environments. The player will be able to see the realistic environment and laboratory only in cut scenes and intro sequences. I am working hard to release 3 stage demo by the end of the year :) In the meantime check out Ever Growing + Level editor on official page and see you soon with more Code: Evolved news! :)

Od kada sam otpremio prve slike laboratorije za Code: Evolved igricu dobio sam gomilu negativnih mejlova. Fanovi White Wolf igrice smatraju da je najbolje da beli vuk istrazuje misticne, mracne, mastovite predele a ne realisticne laboratorije. I ja se potpuno slazem sa time. Tako da ... vreme je da se uvedu promene u Code: Evolved igrici. Prica ce uglavnom ostati nepromenjena ali svih 10 nivoa ce se nalaziti na misticnim, fantazijskim lokacijama. Jedini trenuci kada ce igrac moci da vidi realne predele i laboratoriju jeste u introima. Radim punom parom na Code: Evolved demou koji bi trebao biti otpremljen do kraja godine. U medjuvremenu probajte Ever Growing + Level editor na zvanicnoj stranici i vidimo se uskoro sa novim Code: Evolved vestima! :)

Well... this is unsettling...


2 playable characters, each with his own story and stages! Character selection screen :):)

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From head to head!

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One of a few new Midories!


Find hidden items for bonus experience points!

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You spin my head right round, right round [IMG]

Introducing the first stage for Semidori Owl... and few small Midori Spiders. #CodeEvolved DEMO is coming as soon as I finish work on this stage :)

I just got this in my email. Someone printed #CodeEvolved image I published a month ago and printed it as a poster :) Nice!


First special Semidori Owl weapon - Three feathers! :)


#CodeEvolved DEMO trailer!

#CodeEvolved Sword LV1 from #WhiteWolf is back! Different attack pattern thou...


Find special crystals that will expand knowledge about Code: Evolved world!

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Code: Evolved - WEAPON SYSTEM

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It is time to reveal weapon system in Code: Evolved game :) Weapons in Code: Evolved will be handled a little differently from White Wolf game. To demonstrate the differences in weapon system between this two games I will make a small list.
  1. White Wolf - Weapons are found in the stages. Code: Evolved - Player can unlock new weapons by spending EXP points in POWERS section of the inventory.
  2. White Wolf - You can equip every weapon you find, and every weapon has a special ability. Code: Evolved - There is only one main weapon and player can not change it. But the player can equip any special ability that he has unlocked in inventory.
  3. White Wolf / Code: Evolved - Every special use Mp.
  4. White Wolf - Player can not attack under water (unless he has equipped harpoon). Code: Evolved - Player can attack with every weapon underwater.

It is worth knowing that Owl Semidori and Wolf Semidori have their own weapon and their own set of abilities. These changes are added so the player can have more freedom of which weapon will unlock and equip first. This can add a replay value and hopefully this system will not disappoint players of a White Wolf game. As for the demo delay, a reason for that is an additional playable character. Wolf Semidori stages for the demo are done, but I decided to add at least one stage for Owl Semidori as well. Working hard on releasing a demo as soon as I can. Until then have fun and see you all soon! :)

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Vreme je da napisem nesto o oruzjima u Code: Evolved igri :) Postoji nekoliko bitnih razlika u oruzjima izmedju Code: Evolved i White Wolf igre. Da bi lakse pokazao te razlike napravicu kratku listu.

  1. White Wolf - Oruzja se nalaze u krugovima. Code: Evolved - Igrac moze otkljucati nova oruzja pomocu EXP poena u POWERS kartici u inventaru.
  2. White Wolf - Mozete opremiti bilo koje oruzje koje nadjete i svako od njih ima specialni napad. Code: Evolved - Postoji samo jedno glavno oruzje i igrac ga ne moze menjati. Ali moze opremiti bilo koji special koji je otkljucao.
  3. White Wolf / Code: Evolved - Svaki special trosi Mp.
  4. White Wolf - Igrac ne moze napadati pod vodom (osim ako ne koristi harpun). Code: Evolved - Igrac moze napadati pod vodom bilo kojim oruzjem / specialom.
Treba naglasiti da Owl Semidori i Wolf Semidori imaju svoj set oruzja i speciala. Ove promene su dodate da bi igrac imao vise slobode pri odabiru speciala. Ovaj sistem bi trebao dodati na igrivosti i nadam se da nece razocarati igrace White Wolf igrice. Sto se kasnjenja demoa tice, razlog za to je dodatni lik za igranje. Wolf Semidori krugovi za demo su zavrseni ali sam odlucio da dodam makar jedan krug sa Owl Semidori likom. Radim sto vise mogu da bi otpremio demo sto pre. A u medjuvremenu probajte preostale MMM igre i vidimo se uskoro! :)

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ... :)

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Check every map you unlocked directly into Your inventory menu!


Traps! Traps everywhere!!!

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Hm... should I go into the temple?


Code: Evolved DEMO is coming out by the end of this week. And here is a list of things that you can expect to see in this DEMO:

- 3 Semidori Wolf stages (out of 10)
- 1 Semidori owl stage (out of 10)
- 6 wolf and 3 owl weapons (out of 9 wolves and 9 owl weapons)
- 4 bosses for wolf and 1 boss for owl stage
- Joystick support and map function

See you all soon with a Code: Evolved demo and until then try out some of my other games on :)

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It's alive!!!

Code: Evolved DEMO is finally released on Game Jolt and !! :D

And here is a list of things that you can expect to see in this DEMO:

-3 Semidori Wolf stages (out of 10)

-1 Semidori owl stage (out of 10)

-6 wolf and 3 owl weapons (out of 9 wolves and 9 owl weapons)

-4 bosses for wolf and 1 boss for owl stage

-Joystick support and map function

-2 languages: English and Serbian

Small DEMO update:

I uploaded new DEMO where I moved black flames in Semidori Wolf - Chapter 1 so now you can see wolf before you need to jump over the black flame [IMG]


Currently working on an animated scene for #CodeEvolved - Here are the few sketches from storyboard :)

This will take a while but hopefully, I will have some screenshots to show you soon :)
In the meantime check out DEMO on

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It's time to enter your dream! Small piece of animated cut-scene :)

Check out DEMO on

Do you want to enter someone's dream? All you need is a giant crystal Smiley


#CodeEvolved - Time to make new Semidori Wolf stage! :)

DEMO available on


Updated DEMO - Show damage when you hit the enemy... or not. It's your choice :)

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Next #CodeEvolved stage is water based. So be sure to level up your wolf properly :)


Small addition to a game!

Download and print your favorite Semidori :)




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Stage 4 will be full of mini-bosses! :)


#CodeEvolved stage 4 - Bigger stage, bigger rooms :)

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Big underwater fight coming up! So... level up your breath accordingly :)

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Code Evolved - White Wolf 2

I grew up with old gaming consoles like NES and PSX. And games for those consoles was full of cheat codes. Not only for the status bust but for everything you can think of. And I want to recreate those good old days by adding tons of useless but fun cheat codes. There will be some useful cheat too, of course :) Here is how the cheat codes will work in Code: Evolved. The player can activate cheat code box at any moment while playing the game and then can type in any cheat they want. How can the players discover cheat codes? By exploring the stages. The more % of the map is discovered, the more cheat codes will be shown in the list in the inventory menu. Not all cheat codes will be shown in the game. There will be few cheat codes that players must discover on their own. For now, I added 47 cheat codes in the game and here are few of them: Big / small head mode, White owl / Black wolf, Evil semidori, Pot mode (pots will appear at every stage and you can break them and exchange them for blood and exp on the save crystal) , Midori faces (every Midori will have a weird face), and so much more... Of course, if you want to see some cheat codes please let me know :)

Secam se dobrih starih vremena kada su postojale sifre na igricama koje su bile beskorisne, ali su bile zabavne da se koriste (NES i PSX igrice su bile najpoznatije po tom pitanju). Iz tog razloga resio sam da dodam sifre u Code: Evolved igrici. Postojace sifre za jacanje statistika ali uglavnom ce se sifre svoditi na promene izgleda glavnog lika i protivnika, dodavanje predmeta po krugovima i tako dalje... Na kom principu ce se koristiti sifre? Igrac ce u bilo kom trenutku tokom igre moci da aktivira CHEAT BOX gde ce moci da ukuca i aktivira odredjenu sifru. Kako ce igrac znati sta treba da ukuca? U inventaru glavnog lika nalazice se spisak sifri koje igrac moze da aktivira. Sto igrac bude otkrivao vise % mape to ce spisak sa siframa biti veci. Neke dodatne sifre nece biti prikazane u listi i igrac ce morati sam da ih otkrije. Za sada planiram da ubacim 47 sifre a evo i neke od njih: Velike / male glave mod, Bela sova / crni vuk, Zli Semidoriji, Cupovi (u krugovima ce se pojaviti cupovi koje igrac moze da razbije i kasnije njima kupuje odredjene bonuse na kristalu za memorisanje igre), Midori faces (svi protivnici ce miati cudne face), itd... Naravno ukoliko zelite da dodate neku sifru mozete mi reci u komentarima :)


Here is something for #screenshotsaturday . New Midori species. This Midories can multiply themselves after you kill them!


Working on new weapons for Semidori Owl. One of the new weapons is a returning weapon from White Wolf 1 - Boomerang. But this time it looks a little bit different.

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How far in development is Code: Evolved? Check out (and follow) Trello table on :)


#CodeEvolved cheat codes! Some of them will even give you a new mod. Like pots mod. By entering the cheat for pot mod, random pots and vases will appear trough the stages. Break them and exchange them at the save crystal for extra EXP or BLOOD :)

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Life or death? Creation or evolution? Dream or reality? #CodeEvolved


Making Code: Evolved is a long process. This is by far the biggest game I worked on. It's a big road ahead of me and I wish to thank you for your support so far and to thank you for your patience. In the meantime here is a Code: Evolved trailer 3 - small cinematic trailer made for #screenshotsaturday :)

Official page:

Code: Evolved - Cheat code examples

DEMO available on:

Official page

Music: TeknoAXE - Manuevering Thrusters Only

Follow me on:

Official page:


FB page:


#CodeEvolved They are back from White Wolf 1! SPFM (skeleton propeller fish midories) :)


One of the Code: Evolved optional bosses. Underwater Midori!


I'm working on a USER MANUAL (on English and Serbian) for Code: Evolved today :)


#CodeEvolved stage 4 will be done in a two or three days. After that... 6 more stages for Wolf and 9 more stages for Owl to go :)

In the meantime check out all Code: Evolved videos so far.

VIDEO - Cheat codes

VIDEO - Code Evolved trailer 3

VIDEO - Code Evolved DEMO trailer 2

VIDEO - Code Evolved - Small gameplay preview

VIDEO - Code Evolved DEMO trailer


Working today on a last 10% of the map for Code: Evolved stage 4! :)

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Here is how I make plans for Code: Evolved stages (maps). Currently working on map for stage 5 :)


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New button added on official Code: Evolved and White Wolf page! MIDORI ENCYCLOPEDIA There you can find all you didn't know about Midories. For example: Did you know that Midories from White Wolf and Code: Evolved are not the same type of Midories?


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Code: Evolved stage 5 now in development :)

#CodeEvolved needs your help!

Work on a Code: Evolved (White Wolf sequel) is over 40% done! You can find out more about the game or even try a demo on

The game is coming up nicely. But I wold like to rise narration in the game a bit higher by adding voice over. And I need your help for that. The only character that speaks in the game is a mystical creature called Dreamwallker. But he is speaking a lot. Voice over on English and Serbian will be provided by my good friend Nemanja Stefanovic. He doesn't have a voice acting experience. But he always wanted to try out providing a voice for the game character. He already has some equipment for that. But we still need a few more items.

How can you help? You can buy an bundle on and help me reach $600 goal! You will get "Mechanical Knight 2", "White Wolf 1", "Mechanical Guardians" and "Ever Growing + Level Editor" for only $2.50.

Any financial support is welcome. Thank you in advance! :)

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Stage 5 - Go in one way, exit the other :)

It is time to tell you more about the main characters in the #CodeEvolved game. For those who played #WhiteWolf 1 knows that the main character in that game belongs to a species called Semidori. But times has changed since then and once naturally evolved creatures are now created in the laboratory thanks to the humans who discovered crystallized life energy and find out about a potential of that crystal. Thus new species are born. 2 main characters in Code: Evolves whose now belongs to a new race!

Here is a small section about that from the KNOWLEDGE base in the Code: Evolved game.



Mysterious statues and strange shapes! Code: Evolved stage 5 :):)

Discover stage map % as much as you can and unlock new cheat codes!

For those who love physical copies, Code: Evolved download will contain cover and UserManual.pdf (on English and Serbian) ready for printing :)

Here are few pages from Code: Evolved user manual.

Code: Evolved stage 5 is done. Now it's time to make a heart-pounding boss fight! :)

Code: Evolved new boss approaching!!

When I am not programming I am working on Code: Evolved printable content :)

There will be over 20 boss fights in Code: Evolved!

I present you few of them :)

Code: Evolved More than half of the wolf's campaign is over! Stage 6 now in development :)

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Check out short Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 gameplay video :)

Game is still in development but DEMO is available here on or on official page

At last, we are at the core of Neo Semidori Wolf's mind! Final wolf stage is now in development.

Well... this creature looks friendly enough...

Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 seatback

I finally had a chance to test Code: Evolved on few computers other than mine. The result was not great. While the game works fine on almost all computers, the game revealed extreme lags on Windows 10 system. Luckily I foud the reason for this, but the bad news are that fixing this issue will take few days.

I would also like to use this opportunity to share this problem (and how I fixed it) with anyone who made games in Game Maker and it has the same issue with Windows 10.

Code: Evolved is made in Game Maker 8 (an old program I know but for now that is all I can afford). The problem is in a frame rate setup in the rooms (room speed). I set frame rate in every room to be 100. That way game looks more fluid. And this system works on Windows XP, 7, and 8 (the game is not tested on Windows Vista). Windows 10, however, has a problem in synchronization with Game Maker 8. If the room speed is not set on 30 or 60, Windows 10 will create extream lags.

The solution? I need to set room speed in every room on 60. This creates another problem. Now the game looks like it's running in slow motion. So I need to speed up every animation, every bullet speed, every hit detection cooldown, every effect in the game. And the game is already half done so there are tons of objects and effects. I am not angry about this too much because it's mostly my fault. I should have tested the game on every Windows in the beginnings of the development.

What this all means for Code: Evolved development? A few days of the setback... and hopefully (if everything else stays fine) that will be it. After that, I will continue work on the last stage for Neo Semidori Wolf and in a month or two, the Wolf side of the story is going to be complete.

I want to thank you all for your patience and to thank you for following Code: Evolved development. I am working hard on this game with a ton of love and hopefully, the game will not disappoint.

Also, I hope that my experience will help someone with the same issue. And I will try to upgrade myself soon with Game Maker Studio 2 so I can avoid future problems :) And I'm sorry that this news was more focused on the development problems instead of showing a new stuff in the game.

See you all soon with more news and in the meantime check out a 40 min. demo (3 wolf stages and 1 owl stage) on:

Official page:

Dreamwallker has a voice!!! Voice acting is only in English (for now) and only in intro sequences. Voiced by Marsuves Black

You can help me add voice on Serbian by buying bundle on

After 3 days of major bug fixing, I finally see the light at the end of that tunnel. Hopefully, this is going to be the last day of work on Code: Evolved Windows 10 bug. What was the major problem with the game on Windows 10? I already wrote on this subject. So you can read all about that on

While all this was happening I was contacted by voice actor Marsuves Black

He wanted to voice characters in Code: Evolved game. Thus Dreamwalkers voice is born :)

The game is in English and Serbian but for now, I can only afford voice on English. Also, Dreamwalker will have voice only in intro sequences. If you like what you see and hear you can help me adding Serbian voice over. How? By buying a bundle with 4 of my games on Any financial support is welcome. Thank you in advance! :)

Starting tomorrow I will be back on track and hopefully, in 2 months I will have Neo Semidori Wolf side of the game done. See you all soon with more news and thank you for the patience :)

Code: Evolved DEMO:


It's time to talk about influences on White Wolf world. There are three major influences. And all 3 are games from PSX.
First influence is an obvious one... Final Fantasy 7. The whole concept of life energy is based on life stream in FF7. But consequences and the way that life energy works in White Wolf is much more different than in FF7.

Secund influence is Tomb Raider games. The way that the world and stages are designed. White Wolf and Code: Evolved are Metroidvania type of games but the player doesn't explore one big world. Instead, every stage has his own key items, beginning, and ends. And every time you enter the stage key items will be reset. This way the backtracking is much shorter (the same purpose teleport have in big world Metroidvanias but I think this is a much better way). Also, when you get to the end of a Metroidvania game everything is open and you don't have much more things to do. Whit this system every time when you enter the stage you can explore it again.

The third influence is the best RPG ever created (in my opinion). Parasite Eve. I love the stories that explore the dark side of biology. And Parasite Eve is a master of that. It's a perfect blend of fantasy and sci-fi. This game didn't directly influence on White Wolf world but it inspired me to make dark fantasy sci-fi Metroidvanias in general.
So, that are 3 big influences :)

As for the Code: Evolved current progress, I am working on a boss fight in stage 7 and on stage 7 in general so, see you all soon with more news  :)

Code: Evolved digital art by Andrija Drenovakovic.

One of the trickiest puzzles. Reward? Who knows :)

Meanwhile in reality...

The first half of the game is almost done (Neo Semidori wolf side of the story. So, let's talk about gameplay. Code: Evolved in his core is a Metroidvania type of the game with very dark fantasy/sci-fi story. But there are a few things that separate it from a usual Metroidvania games.

TWO PLAYABLE CHARACTERS - Game will have two playable characters. Neo Semidori Wolf and Neo Semidori Owl. But every character will be game for himself. Wolf and Owl will have their own set of weapons, stages, and story. Thay doesn't even exist at the same time. But which story is the first in Code: Evolved timeline? That... I can't tell you :) Also, the player will be rewarded with a bonus after credit scene if he beat the game with both characters. 

PLAYER WILL PURCHASE UPGREADS AND ABILITIES WITH EXP - Exp in the games is nothing new. You kill enemies and you gain experience points. But, in Code: Evolved you won't be leveling up. Instead, EXP will act as currency that you can spend in your inventory by buying new special attacks or upgrading your stats.


CHAPTERS / STAGE DESIGN - Altho Code: Evolved is a Metroidvania game player will not explore the whole world at once. The World is divided into chapters and every chapter has his own key items (that will be reset every time you play that chapter again). This way player will not find himself in a situation where he needs to do a massive backtracking to progress. And also he can explore a stage again even he found and unlocked everything in it (since key items are reset).

CHEAT CODES - This is a reward for every player that explore stages thoroughly. The more % of the map you unlock, the more cheat codes you will unlock. Not all of them will be useful of course but most of them will be just for fun (no head, no body, pot mod, evil face, big head, enemies scream...) I loved tons of fun cheat codes in old PSX games and I thought it would be nice to include something like that (as a reward for persistent players) in the game.

KNOWLEDGE - If you wish to find out more about Code: Evolved the world you can find white crystals that will expand your knowledge and you will be able to find out more about Midori, Semidori, Life energy, Dreamwalker and much more by entering into inventory.

TWO BONUS STAGES FOR EACH CHARACTER - Speaking of white crystals, if you collect them all you will unlock a bonus stage. But if you manage to kill all 5 side bosses you will unlock a second bonus stage where you will fight most difficult boss in the game and as a reward, you will get one of the most powerful weapons :)

Beyond all this, there are also some standard features like map function, joystick support, joystick mapping, 2 languages (English and Serbian), 5 save slots ... I am working hard on this game and hopefully, it won't disappoint. In the meantime, you can check out DEMO and tell me what you think. Every feedback is welcome :)

They hang from the ceiling? Hm... Wolf's memory really is imperfect...

Twins Midori ...This type of anomalies can happen too...

Code: Evolved game story is told from the perspective of two main characters. Neo Semidori Wolf and Neo Semidori Owl. Each of this characters will have their own stages and weapons. And today I finished making the last stage for Neo Semidori Wolf and started working on final boss stage. This means that the half of the game is done... right? Not really. Each character has his own 10 stages open for exploration. But only eight stages are the story stages. This means that I still need to make two bonus stages for players who have discovered all the secrets in the game. On the other hand, I already finished the first stage for Neo Semidori Owl when I made Code: Evolved DEMO. So the game is very close to being 50% done.

This looks like the game is going to be in a development for one more year. But that is not the case. Every major thing for the game (enemies, weapons, story...) is already completely done for both characters. That means that I only need to make stages and boss fights for Neo Semidori Owl. Hopefully, the game is going to be done by the end of the year, or at the beginning of the next one.

You can check out trello table and find out exactly how far in the development the game is and what still needs to be done :)

In the mean time check out Code: Evolved DEMO (3 wolf stages and 1 owl stage) and tell me what you think and see you all soon with more news. http://mmmgamesindie.blogspot....

Just one last thing. This is my first commercial game (and hopefully my first game on Steam) But don't worry. It will be a very affordable indie price.


Since Wolf's story is almost done I think is a good time for me to make Code: Evolved Wolf trailer :)

Neo Semidori Wolf story is almost done! So I will start working on Neo Semidori Owl part of the game soon. In the meantime check out Code Evolved Wolf trailer :)

You can find more about the game (including a DEMO) on official page https://mmmfree2dwindowsgames....

One of the few early sketches of the final boss made at the beginning of Code: Evolved development. I have to say that final boss now looks much cooler than this :)

I just finished Code: Evolved final stage! Now comes the hard part. Making of the last intro :)

Here is a list of things for this game that are done and that still needs to be done:

  • USER MANUAL.PDF (in English and Serbian) - DONE 

You can also check out trello table and see how far in development Code: Evolved is :)

Neo Semidori Wolf last cut scene is almost done! Very emotional scene. Not only for the Wolf and the Dreamwalker, but for me too. I worked on Wolf side of the story for almost a year and now it's time to say goodbye to the Wolf and to start work on Owl side of the story. 

Owl side of the story will be done much faster. Why? Because it's a side story. So, there are no big cut scenes. All I need to do is to make 8 stages. And after that 4 bonus stages (2 for each character). So in total game should be released by the end of the year or very early next year :)

Until then try out Code: Evolved DEMO and tell me what you think. Every feedback is welcome :)

New upgraded Code: Evolved demo is released. You can find all download pages on https://mmmfree2dwindowsgames....

This new demo fixed few problems and updated several things. What is new in this demo?

- Windows 10 compatibility problems fixed. You can read all about this Windows 10 issue on

- Voice acting added. Full game will have voices only in big cutscenes and the voices will be only in English. The most interesting thing about the voices is that so far almost everyone thought that first scene for the wolf story is narrated by the Dreamwalker. Now that the voice is added players will find out that there is another digital entity with beautiful female voice. Dreamwalker voice is provided by Marsuves Black while female voice is produced digitally with

- Cheat Codes now available. The player can use all 39 cheat codes but in the demo, only few will be shown in cheat code list in the inventory. You can find more about the cheat codes in this video

- More fluid controls. I added small changes and now controlling the character is a much more fluid experience. Also, now the player can shoot diagonally even if the character stands next to the wall.

Besides all this, I also fixed the few small bugs. All this changes and upgrades happened thanks to your feedback. Of course, games can always be improved even further so please check out new demo and tell me what you think. Every feedback is welcome :)

Today I finished drawing and animating all sprites and designing all frames (on paper) for the last Code: Evolved cut-scene (none of which I can show you because of the spoilers) :) Now all I need to do is to put all that togeather in the game and the ending for the Wolf side of the story should be done by the end of the week :)

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm working hard on this game so it can be released by the end of the year :)

Code: Evolved Wolf side of the story is finally done! And I started working on first (out of two) bonus stages for the wolf. And after that only 9 more stages for Owl side of the story remain to be done. But while I tested Wolf story I found out that there is a massive lag on Windows 10 (again). So after one whole day of work, I finally found underline problem. I still don't know why only Windows 10 had difficulties properly loading the game but... it doesn't matter. Everything works fine now! :)

This was a good thing because I found out that White Wolf 1 game has the same problem on Windows 10. So I will fix and upgrade White Wolf 1 (smoother controls, better animation on wolf, lower hp on some enemies...) and I will upload new version by the end of the next week :) 


Code: Evolved Big upgrade changes!

The first round of game testing (full Wolf side of the story) is done. And I got tons of useful feedback! But one of them stands out the most. There was too much grinding in the game. This is especially problematic because Code: Evolved is a Metroidvania type of game. So grinding for EXP really does not mesh well with exploration nature of the game. For that purpose, I redesign EXP system.

First, there is no more EXP. You can now upgrade your skills and status with EP (evo points). A system for upgrading your character is the same. But enemies won't give you EXP anymore. Now You'll have to find EVO orbs in stages. There are 19 Evo orbs and some of them will give you 1500 EP, some of them 3000 EP. This way player can upgrade the character in which order he wants, but the exploration core of the game will be preserved.. :)

So, what are the future plans for Code: Evolved? well... this is a big change. I will make stage 2 for Owl side of the story and I will upload DEMO v3. This demo will contain 2 Owl stages, 3 Wolf stages, and the new Evo orb system. This demo will fix small things too. Like better jumping, some enemy changes and so on... This is also going to be the last demo for Code: Evolved. So I hope you will like this new system and see you all soon with more Code: Evolved news. :)


Making winter stage on a summer day! Code: Evolved Owl stage 2 now in development :)

Here it is... one of the strangest Code: Evolved boss fights. This guy will run away from you a few times. But don't worry. He will sill be in the stage somewhere :) 

A new type of doors in Code: Evolved! Kill side bosses and receive dream keys to unlock new (optional) paths trough the stages :)

Code: Evolved Neo Semidori Owl stage 2 is more than a 50% done! So the new (and final) Code Evolved DEMO will be done and uploaded by the end of the next week. :) This new demo will contain new gameplay changes (removal of EXP grinding and introduction of EVO orbs), more polished gameplay, and will have 3 wolf stages and 2 owl stages.

Also, White Wolf 1 will be updated (smoother controls, better wolf animation, more balanced enemies...) and uploaded by the end of the month!

So, all in all, this is going to be a month full of White Wolf universe content :)

Follow Code: Evolved development here or on: 

Official page: https://mmmfree2dwindowsgames....

MMM games Fb page:

Code: Evolved DEMO v3 is almost done and it will be uploaded this Saturday :) In the meantime here is one screenshot from Neo Semidori Owl stage :)

New Code: Evolved demo is now available! 

-3 Wolf stages
-2 Owl stages
-Voice acting added in cut scenes
-New EVO orb system
-Small bugs fixed
-Cheat codes added

So, check it out and I'm looking forward to your feedback :)

Official page:

White Wolf 1 updated version is here! :) 

Now I can continue work on Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2. Owl stage 3 is next in line for development.

Changes in updated version:

  • - More balanced enemies 
  • - Smoother controls 
  • - Few bugs fixed 
  • - Better game performance on Windows 10 
  • - Several smaller changes

Check out updated White Wolf version of the game on

Now that the Code: Evolved demo v3 and White Wolf 1 updated version are done and uploaded I can continue work on Code: Evolved Owl stage 3. And here it is. First stage 3 screenshot :)

One of the more complex Code: Evolved puzzles... do you like cooking?  :)

Small #CodeEvolved update.

I’m currently working on an Owl stage 3 which is the most complex stage in Code: Evolved game so far. But in the meantime, I’m making plans on paper for 2 Wolf / Owl bonus stages.

Bonus stages are now known as Subconscious 1 and Subconscious 2 and it will contain the only real Midori in the whole game. Alter ego Midori. This is going to be the most powerful boss fight in the game and his look and attacks will be different depending on who is fighting him (Owl or Wolf). But the rewards are going to be great! :) 

Code: Evolved Owl stage 3 (out of 10) is almost done! And after that, I'm starting to work on Wolf bonus stages 1 and 2 :)

Two Code: Evolved characters - two destinies!

Currently, I'm working on a boss fight and after that Owl stage 3 is done and I can move on the Wolf bonus stage 1 - Subconsciousness 1  :) 

Code: Evolved Owl stage 3 is done. But there are few things that need additional attention. So I'll polish stage 3 a few more days. And after that 5 more Owl stages, 2 bonus Owl / Wolf stages and Owl final stage needs to be done. It sounds like a lot of work... and it is... but every major aspect of the game is already done. All I need to do is to make remaining stages that are already fully planned and done on paper. So the game should definitely be done by the end of the year :)

Also, I'm currently working on my first project in Game Maker Studio 2. Beyond Retrieval :) This game is fantasy dark Metroidvania that is set in the afterlife. The player will be able to control 3 angels (one at the time, but the player is going to be able to switch control between them at any time). The afterlife and our world are in the greatest danger so far. 12 Creators of both worlds can restore the balance between them only with the help from the angels! The game is still in a very early stage of development and Code: Evolved is still the main priority. 

You can try one hour-long Code: Evolved demo on :)

Today I started work on Wolf bonus stage 1 - SUBCONSCIOUSNESS 1

I cannot show you screenshots from any bonus stage because... spoilers. Plus it would be unfair toward the players who collected everything and unlock this stages as a reward for doing so.  But, I can show you one of the Owl boss fights I'm working on. Demon Midori :)

I'm currently working on Wolf bonus stage 1. But after that, I will stop working on any new stage and I will be focusing on boss fights (which should last about 2 months). This way I will be able to simply make stages without the need to play them to the end just so I can test boss fight of that stage :) Here are the boss fights that still needs to be done:

- Wolf bonus boss fights 1 and 2
- Owl bonus boss fights 1 and 2
- 4 main Owl boss fights (including final boss)
- 4 optional Owl boss fights

I already have most of the sprites ready to add into the game and I have attacks planned for all the boss fights on paper so I just need to start adding them in the game :) In the meantime check out the demo and tell me what you think :)



First of all, I'm sorry for slow updates on #CodeEvolved. I've been working on some #GameMaker tutorials and demos for the peoples who just started working in Game Maker. You can check them out on my official page

Also, I worked on options menu in Game Maker Studio 2 for #BeyondRetrieval . The options menu (sound, music volume, joystick mapping, resolution settings...) is done and it's going to be useful in many of my future games made in GMS2 :)

Now about Code: Evolved. I finished few boss fights and I started work on bonus stage 1 for Neo Semidori Wolf. The game is coming along quite nicely and the bonus stage should be done by the end of this week. After that, I will start working on a few remaining boss fights. I did everything I needed to do on my side projects so now I can be completely focused on Code: Evolved game. In the meantime, you can check Code: Evolved demo and tell me what you think. Every feedback is welcome :)

Code: Evolved one of the early Wolf alter-ego Midori sprites :)

I finished out all Code: Evolved Neo Semidori Wolf boss fights! And I also did Wolf bonus stage 1 (out of 2). This means that soon I will start working on Wolf bonus stage 2 and after that wolf side of the game is done! :)

In the meantime, you can follow Code: Evolved WIP table on Trello and see exactly how far in development the game is :)

I'm currently working on Neo Semidori Wolf bonus stage 2. But in the meantime, I started working on one of the new Neo Semidori Owl stages (moon valley). Also, you can see on this screenshot one of the new Owl special attacks! :)

Code: Evolved game is a sequel to a White wolf. And it revolves around 2 characters: Neo Semidori Wolf and Neo Semidori Owl. So far everyone who followed Code Evolved development knows what the Wolf story is. Wolf is in a cryogenic chamber and it is constantly visited in his sleep by a creature that calls itself a Dreamwalker. What the Dreamwalker wants? To prepare Neo Semidori Wolf for a big battle that can save the universe.

The story for Neo Semidori Owl is very similar. An Owl is in a cryogenic sleep and it is visited by the same creature as the Wolf is. However, the Owl story is set few hours before the Wolf story. And unlike the wolf, Owl has no interest in what the Dreamwalker wants. Neo Semidori Owl is just trying to find his brother unaware that he is in a dream world.

If you played White Wolf 1 the story is going to be more flash out for you. But, it is not necessary to play previous game to understand the story in Code: Evolved. Many terms such as Midori, Semidori, Neo Semidori, Dreamwalker, Crystallization, and others will be explained in the game. :)

You can find out more about Code: Evolved (and try a one-hour long demo) here on or on the official page:

New #CodeEvolved Midori type - Ark Midori. Stand too long above him and he will stab you!

More about Midori enemies find out in Midori Encyclopedia on


Code: Evolved Wolf side of the story is now in a testing phase. Also, Owl stage 4 is currently in development. More news about Code: Evolved is coming soon :)

In the meantime check out first gameplay footage from Beyond Retrieval - My first game in Game Maker Studio 2 :) 

The game is still in a very early stage of development. I will start fully working on Beyond Retrieval after the Code: Evolved is done. For more information about Code: Evolved and Beyond Retrieval check out my official page:

Here is something for #ThrowbackThursday  :)

White Wolf - Dark Metroidvania - First released in 2015, then upgraded in 2017.

White Wolf sequel - Code: Evolved is coming out by the end of the year! :)

You can find more about this games on my official page:

or on a Fb page:

Code: Evolved should be done and released by the end of the year. But, there is one more application that is going to be released at the same time. WHITE WOLF COLLECTION :)

This application will contain White Wolf 1 and Code: Evolved games, as well as tons of bonus content for fans of White Wolf universe! This application is still work in progress. In the meantime here are a few screenshots :) 

Code: Evolved Owl stage 4 is almost done! So here is one new boss fight :)

There are quite a few puzzle rooms in Code: Evolved moon valley. And here is one of them :) 

Code: Evolved dream machine and 5 Dreamwalkers!

#CodeEvolved - Owl Stage 4 is done! And at the same time, I finished work on the final stage. Neo Semidori Owl will find himself in the same place as Neo Semidori Wolf. But he will have his own bosses and challenges. 

On the screenshots, you can see Summoner Midori boss. This Midori will summon different creatures to attack you. But the special thing about the summoned creatures is that every creature is the boss from my first game done in #GameMaker 8 - All in Vain. This is appropriate since the Code: Evolved is going to be the last game I made in Game Maker 8. So, the circle is closed nicely :D 

Code: Evolved and White Wolf Collection is going to be released by the end of this year. In the meantime, you can check out Code: Evolved one hour long demo :)

Artificial dream - a turning point for Neo Semidori Owl! :)

#CodeEvolved - Reflectors in Owl stage 5 will follow your every move. Maybe you can reveal some writings on the wall with them that will help you solving the main puzzle :)

This white crystal seems almost impossible to reach... almost :)

Three-eyed Midori - One of the many Code: Evolved boss fights! :)

Neo Semidori Owl side of the story is almost done. And with that, the entire Code: Evolved game will be done too :)

White Wolf collection will, besides White Wolf 1 and 2 games and tons of bonus content, contain Code: Evolved special PDF. And here is a cover :) 

Sirens are a bit different in the Code: Evolved world :)

White Wolf Collection will, besides White Wolf and Code: Evolved game, contain a Demo from a canceled RPG game called Project: Tabula Rasa and short cartoon called Dream Sequence. :) Here is a full list of the White Wolf Collection content:

- White Wolf 1 full game
- White Wolf 1 user manual.pdf
- White Wolf 1 sketches and concept art.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 full game
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 user manual.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 fun facts and sketches.pdf
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 game cover (DVD case)
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 Enemy and Boss list
- Wallpapers by Andrija Drenovakovic
- Code Evolved - Dream Sequence (short cartoon)
- Project: Tabula Rasa DEMO (canceled game)

You can find out more on official page:

Code: Evolved and White Wolf Collection games are almost here!! :) How much still needs to be done until the game release? Check out on Trello table :)

Code: Evolved game is done! Now I only need a few days to test it and to finish White Wolf Collection and both games are going to be released by the end of the week! :)

Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2  game is finally out! You can check it out on But that is not all. I released one more game yesterday.  White Wolf Collection.

White Wolf Collection is an application that unites White Wolf 1 and Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2. On top of that, it contains tons of bonus content for every fan of the White Wolf universe.  :)


- White Wolf 1 full game
- White Wolf 1 user manual.pdf
- White Wolf 1 sketches and concept art.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 full game
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 user manual.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 fun facts and sketches.pdf
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 game cover (DVD case)
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 Enemy and Boss list
- 8 wallpapers by Andrija Drenovakovic
- Code Evolved - Dream Sequence (short cartoon)
- Project: Tabula Rasa DEMO (canceled game)

It's been one week since #CodeEvolved and #WhiteWolf Collection was released. So now It's time to move one on my new project. A game called #BeyondRetrieval :) This is going to be my first game made in #GameMakerStudio 2 and it is going to be a Metroidvania with a big world open for exploration and 3 playable characters that the player is going to be able to change at any time. The game is in an extremely early stage of development (I just finished writing the story and work on options menu) but I'm hoping that I will have at least some screenshots to show by the end of the year :)

In the meantime check out Code: Evolved and White Wolf Collection on:

Game Jolt pages:

or pages:

Both games are currently on New Year sale (55% off) :)

White Wolf Collection now 75% off! :)

Content of the White Wolf Collection:

- White Wolf 1 full game
- White Wolf 1 user manual.pdf
- White Wolf 1 sketches and concept art.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 full game
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 user manual.pdf
- Code: Evolved - White Wolf 2 fun facts and sketches.pdf
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 game cover (DVD case)
- White Wolf 1 / White Wolf 2 Enemy and Boss list
- Wallpapers by Andrija Drenovakovic
- Code Evolved - Dream Sequence (short cartoon)
- Project: Tabula Rasa DEMO (canceled game)