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1. My name is Daniel. I'm not going to include my last name.

2. I did not participate in the last game jam. I am joining this jam so I can get better at programming. Also might start improving my modeling at this jam because my table looks like two staples stuck together.

3. I like all things equally except sports games. Those are not my taste. Actually, it was a friend that got me to study games and how they work (not from programming but looking at what happens) I then started studying games on Roblox. I made mental notes about what works and what doesn't

4. Yes, I have plenty of experience with Roblox LUA and wanted to learn more about the coding in Unity. I watch a tutorial, see what they do, and replicate it.  I then try to go by memory about what to do. If I don't remember, i go back to the tutorial. Mindset is key :D

5. V I D E O   G A M E S.

6. To make a working game that has cool mechanics and feels good. I am not worried about art. That is something that I can learn another time.

10. multiple themes is something I don't see. I wonder if you can do that?