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i know from experience a text adventure game is super tough to make in a time limit, just all the writing and plotlines, it takes forever to work out, so i understand the kind of mute atmosphere of the whole thing. But I have to be honest and say i didnt think this was that fun. Interesting concept but you kinda just click the left mouse button a bunch and watch a two minute storyline play out. I get thats the point, but theres kind of a reason people let you make choices in these types of games. Because otherwise its just like reading a book. At the very least some more interesting visuals would have made it slightly better, most of the game you spend staring at a table. but in general i think the original concept just couldnt have made a good game, especially given the constraints of a game jam. Maybe next jam you could come up with more ideas, and then decide if one is better. Hope this helps. 


Thank you, I was kinda nervous about making this type of game in a jam and it shows because the game is really short and some of the art is wonky, but thank you for the critique.


It warms my heart to see such great constructive criticism in the jam AND a person receptive to feedback.  Well done all around!

... what am i doing im tired