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(1 edit)

The game was fairly fun overall, but I have a few problems with it:

1. There are only a few weapons, and they're a bit unbalanced. Only the gun you start out with seems to do significant damage, and the flamethrower is completely useless against anything that can shoot you since you have to get up really close for it. It could also use a better design for the flames, since I thought it was a machine gun at first and was confused about why it wasn't reaching things from far away.

2. Enemies are able to block you from moving. At on point I got pushed into a wall by an enemy and wasn't able to move away, so it ended up taking a huge chunk of my health.

3. All of the text in the game is filled with spelling and grammar mistakes. It could really use some proofreading.

4. The game crashed when I pressed Enter to go to the credits.

Fun: 3/5

Originality: 2/5

Presentation: 2/5

Overall: 3/5


Thank you for your input. 

1 I think the revolver and flamethrower are balanced because the flamethrower can shoot through walls and can deal quite a bit of damage if you keep the fire on the enemy but i don't  have the best view on balance so you might be right. 

2 you are corect about this one i tried to fix this problem but everything i tried didn't work

3 just got bad grammar lol

4 I don't know what is wrong it worked when I tried it.

Either way thank you for playing, and have a great day.