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Hey, thanks for checking out my game! Can you elaborate what you meant by being unable to destroy keys? It seems to work fine when i try it. 

Are you talking about those white arrow enemies? Those were intended to not be killable, so that the player wouldn't sit in the middle of the screen and spam left click in all direction, though I can definitely see how that might seem like a glitch rather than a feature. 

The square enemies with keyboard buttons written on them was what I meant by "keys", and destroying them will assign that button to one of the keybinds that move left, right, up, and down. The keybinds for moving is written at the bottom. For example, destroying an enemy with 'G' written on it might cause pressing G to move right.

I probably should have made a tutorial that explained all of this, or put it in the description, or made it more visually obvious, but I kind of ran out of time, and I'm not sure if I can edit the description anymore.

Hiya! Hm yeah I couldn't figure out how to destroy the letter enemies! And OHH could you left click to attack?? I can't believe I didn't try that lol... whoopsies. I thought you needed to press the corresponding key to like fire a missile at it or something like that, I'll test it again and give a proper review!