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I pretty much agree with apiruxb: it's an interesting little idea, but needs a bit more juice to help the player figure out how things have swapped around, and give things a bit more of an impact/consequence.

A small balance notes: It might be my resolution, but when I first started the game in non-fullscreen, I couldn't see the blue gate I was supposed to aim for, so I was pretty lost. I was especially confused when shooting the only things I could see (a black hole) didn't do anything, and driving into it didn't seem to either. When the blackhole eventually sent me back to the start, I initially thought I had beaten the level haha

Also, the levels seem short enough that once I figured out the actual goal, I was able to rush through most of them without having to deal with any controls switching. Not sure if there's a good way around that.

That all makes sense. Yes, tweaking the timing of the control switching to a) allow for people to get comfortable the first time (longer delay) and b) provide a challenge even once they know what they're doing (shorter delay) was a design challenge that easily eclipsed the time available. Agreed on the need for juice as well; implementation ate up the whole time.

That's interesting about the resolution issue. I haven't built enough web builds to know offhand what would explain it. The build is set to 1024 x 768, which should fit easily on any modern monitor, without needing to use fullscreen (in fact, fullscreen seems to expand the play field, which is very strange to me). Perhaps the window was scrolled down a little so the gate was offscreen?

Totally agree that it's not clear when you've died and restarted vs. cleared the level and moved on. That needs clarity.

Thanks for trying the game and for the feedback!


+1 on the resolution issue.

Before seeing this comment, I had no idea there was a blue gate at all. It wasn’t in the visible area when I played it (in web browser on  MBP 15”).


Thanks for confirming this, too! Hmm, the gate not being visible plus the text being small definitely implies some resolution shenanigans. Would you be able to share a screenshot of what you see when you load the game? If the top of the embed window is visible onscreen but the gate at the top of the level is not, that is baffling to me and I'm having trouble visualizing it.

(1 edit) (+1)

^ I've responded to both issues in the comment thread further above that you mentioned.


Much obliged!