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A member registered Oct 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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I didn't immediately get I could zoom, drew a horrible dictionary at galactic scale. Loved it.

This music's absolutely incredible!

This is pretty adorable, but wowie did I ever have a tough time actually swinging in the direction I wanted while jumping around. I'd almost prefer using a fixed point to set rotation

Took a minute to get used to, especially with the sided-ness of the tape measure, but I really dug this little puzzle mechanic!

Love the aesthetic, love the execution of the mechanic, love the music. I'd absolutely play a bigger take on this.

Good lord this is absolutely gorgeous

Gorgeous game, perfectly fitting music, and a nifty little mechanic. I'd have loved if player vision lines varied a little bit more (either wandering, speeding up the turn rotation, etc...), but that's a pretty small critique.

My feedback echos Gvon's almost exactly, I think

Loved the art, the concept, and the music. I wish the dialogue boxes didn't cover the screen though: Putting them at the top of the screen, using transparency, anything. It wasn't super clear to me what I could and couldn't hide behind or claim either. Was it just yellow objects I could hide behind?

This was a pleasantly chill take on the theme! My only critique is that the control-scheme seemed super clunky

I absolutely loved this: very cute and exceptionally well polished.

Nifty little mechanic, and pretty fun. The attacks could use some telegraphing, especially since they're one-hit kills and you need to be so close to hit enemies

Very chill little experience, nicely done. To echo the other commenters: I'd have loved if the position didn't reset each time, and if there were slightly different sfx for when the different animals combined (even just one sound pitched down for bigger animals!)

Congrats on the submission!

I had a lovely time with this one, though I ran into an issue with not being able to drop the piece a few times.

The music+art was super good and on the whole cohesive.

Very pretty game with a nifty mechanic.

Not sure if I was missing something, but I kept getting starts that needed to raise with no drop to build a platform from?

This seems so cool, but I had a hard time figuring out what (and when) I was supposed to do anything.

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Really clever with a brilliant aesthetic, albeit the box mechanic was really quite clunky.

Maybe it happened later in the game, but it would've been really quite cool to have lights in the stage that would move the shadow in relation to you

Easily the best take on this mechanic I've played this jam. Really can't overstate how much I loved this top to bottom.

This thing's super coherent and an absolute blast. Bigtime Vampire Survivors energy, executed fantastically.

Really cohesive aesthetic going on here, with a neat mechanic as well. I'm not particularly good at it, but I loved my time with this.

Really quite cool, but I had some trouble figuring out what was/wasn't hurting me: particularly what was going on with the waves. Didn't detract from my enjoyment though, just meant I didn't get all too far in it haha

Found what seems like a strange bug: middle-click scrolling the mushroom gave me an incredible amount of spores. I may not have given it enough time, but I'm not clear on what I'm idling for? It seemed like I wanted to commit mushrooms to secret projects as quickly as possible to give me a handful of change to get more mushrooms? I have *no* idea what "increasing secret project damage" meant

Neat concept with some pretty cool visuals, but I had kind of a hard time figuring out what each scale did.

It reminded me a little bit of Ikaruga, where you need to swap to deal with different enemies.

I didn't read the blurb initially, and it took me longer than I care to admit to realize I had to multiple the weight by the value haha

Once I got that figured out, I quite enjoyed my time with it

Accidentally sunk a *bunch* of time into this one haha, great work!

I had a great time with this one, stellar art through and through, and simple but well done gameplay. Personally, I never found myself wanting to use the spy, and enough of the truces I got were pure upside that taking them or not was kind of a no brainer (turn even odds to win/lose/draw and turn them into even odds to win or draw? Don't mind if I do). Took me a hot second to figure out how to launch the battle after I made my choices: if you take it further it might be worth making that a separate button?

A precious little opportunity to do some designing. I found switching between build and play mode a little clunky, and 100 steps was a bit taller of a tower than I wanted to fully design (personally, I ended up spamming 1x1s around 50/100) but that's all pretty easily changed.

The art's all gorgeous, and you made some great picks for BGM as well

I'm another person who got stuck on the toolshed level, and the resource gathering one before it with the arrows wasn't super clear to me: it seemed like most of the arrows were pointing at nothing?

A restart would've been great, and a tile not getting placed until I released my mouse button would've been even better. Loved the visual style and the music.

Very cool concept that feels like it could be expanded into a full game pretty easily. I can see a bunch of potential ways to expand the mechanics if you wanted:

- combining/splitting boxes

- limited uses of each handle

- gaining handles by by growing into certain spaces

- etc...

A chill and lovely time, nicely done!

Oh, they're cute! The puzzles felt like they took the right amount of thought for a jam game, and I could see this growing in some pretty neat ways. Congrats on the entry!

I always look forward to seeing your entry in a game jam, and they never disappoint. The only note I have is that I kinda wish I didn't have to already be moving to dodge

Congrats on the entry! I had a heck of a time trying to get a grip on how I should be trying to play, but I love the idea

This is the funniest implementation of input lag I've ever seen. Took me longer than I'd care to admit to realize how the game worked. I was convinced my goal was to throw a knife into the notch in the wheel.

Nifty idea, congrats on your first game (and I assume your first jam)! It might just be that I'm bad, but typing a wrong character felt *super* punishing: I'd lose a life for typing the wrong thing, and then again when the character I meant to type hit the bottom.

I'm guessing the music selection's random, but for a brief second it felt like keys were popping up in time with the jazzy track that was playing, and that felt really cool while it lasted.

Simple but well done: you did a great job scaling up the platforming we had to do, and I'm always a sucker for a GB game. Big fan of how you did the title drop

This is absolutely gorgeous. The execution on the concept's great, and the art+music is somehow even better. An immediate standout

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First of all, congratulations! Both on the game, and on the engagement!

Second of all, this is some exceptionally groovy music.

You've taken a pretty straight-forward concept and executed nicely on it! The jumps felt a little floaty/hard-to-control to me, but that's personal preference, still plenty enjoyable to run through.

One potential bug to report: after I went through one of the portals, I found the screen would occasionally go blank for a bit after collecting a diamond. Any idea what might've been causing that?

Oh I really like the music here. The metal detector mechanic's interesting, and it's absolutely wild how often I'd forget that hearing the sound means I need to move once more, not just dig immediately haha