Wow I was really played for 3 minutes before finding out I could move so this review will be split into 2 parts:
- Before I moved
- Took me a second to learn the mechanics but I enjoyed the lobbed projectiles
- Kinda wished I knew the minimum amount of blue-energy I needed to fire
- Was satisfying to defeat the enemies
- Kinda got confused on what the right bar was
- Was confused why the world was so detailed
- Thought it was relaxing despite the upbeat music
- After I learned to move (lol)
- Was impressed with the world size
- Was impressed that you gave the little enemies the ability to climb instead of just making a grass plain
- Cool indirect way of slowing down the enemies
- Definitely decided to move now that I learned
Before you get annoyed at me for not reading your description before playing, I did so so that it could test how intuitive your controls are naturally and you did a pretty good job. I literally played for 3 minutes before remembering to check the controls lol.