Thanks for the feedback. A tutorial would have been great, or some on-screen instructions, but in a 48 hour jam I tend to find it difficult to prioritize putting that in than getting the game working.
I tried to use fairly standard controls (WASD+Space is a staple in video games, Q and E for rotation was a bit less obvious but not uncommon, and I figured when moving the mouse the selection outline would guide people towards clicking. Glad you figured it out.
For the bars I tried again using common conventions, blue for energy/mana/etc. and red for life/health, and indication of when you got hit would have gone a good way towards making it clearer.
Yeah the world being detailed makes more sense when you have to navigate it for sure.
It stops being relaxing after like 5-6 minutes of survival when you have to constantly run and jump frantically to avoid being swarmed by a hundred enemies.
The enemy AI is extremely dumb simple, and it gets stuck a lot because of it, it literally just moves towards the player and if it detects an obstacle in that direction it goes straight up until it no longer sees an obstacle in which case it keep moving directly towards the player.
And no, I understand that some people won't read the description, I would have loved to have put more of a tutorial just didn't have much time so everything went into the description, not ideal but still useful.