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It's cute, a solid platformer. A bit too hard for me, but I got what it wanted me to do (I'm just too hamfisted when playing). It's clear and fair, and that's good.
It needs a better respawn system, though. You die, get a screen, then click, go back to the title screen for the level which is another click, and only then you get to play again. The mouse isn't even used during the game so I had to take my hand to the mouse, use it, then leave it again. If there's a key to quick restart, I couldn't find it. It wasn't spacebar, enter, shift, or any of the movement keys.

Overall, good entry! But while in the "rage/tight platformer" genre you got a lot of things right: Clear controls, clear goals, clear looks, in the end the thing that got in the way was the pacing. It grinds to a halt when you die.


I am happy you enjoyed it, and yeah your right I probable needed to make it were the level start screen only appears when you get to the level the first time and not for every re spawn, it actually not hard at all to do that I just didn't notice the problem sadly :(

Don't worry, this is how we learn.

And another thing I noticed is that the levels are long enough for the challenge. They are not too long, or too short, just right so you see a challenge, perform it twice or so, and then move on. That's a pretty good call. Thanks for the submission!

I am trying my best this is my first game jam, so I am pretty happy to here that you enjoyed, and thx for your time :) :0 ;