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A member registered Apr 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your time, actually most sound effects I used where some random free for use sfx I found on and all the music I used was free for use music of YouTube, here are some channels I like:
I hope that helps :D

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I know this was my first game and hit boxes are bad, sorry about that :|


finally, I like buying on, just download the file unzip it and play, no installers or ram killing background apps, + it support the dev, as doesn't take money, I didn't buy it yet, but I will soon :)

Nice, I know you made this game to get better at programming, so graphics don't matter, but still I think you have to work on both of these skills at the same time, and I don't mean that you shouldn't use simple shapes, in fact I like games that use simple shapes, I just mean that a color pallet and better UI, and maybe some post processing would have went a long way, and one more thing, I noticed that you made the camera a chilled of the player, witch is fine but it can make the camera move in some ways that are uncomfortable, I recommend that you try Cinemachine to set up your cameras going forward, it's really easy to use and looks great, but really am impressed, your improving quickly, keep it up!!!

that's the best possible answer to a question like this XD


it's letting you that cuz the file is bigger than the max that google chrome can scan, in reality it says that for every file that bigger than the scan limit, and taking into consideration this is a game made by a YouTuber with 81k subs, and that every one else who downloaded it was fine and didn't get any problems, then it's safe :)

the controls are "noice"

nice bro so polished good work : )

COOL but kinda hard, the hit boxes can be a little more forgiving (remember that games that feel fare actually cheat for the player with some thing like hit boxes it feels like it doesn't make sense but most good games actually do it), and maybe you can add a option to use the keyboard to select  stuff in the menus, as the game doesn't use the mouse, so my hand is not on the mouse most of the time that I lose, so I have to then move my hand and grab my mouse, witch adds to the frustration of losing, and maybe some more look ahead on the "Y" axis (I mean up and down) cuz it's annoying to loose just cuz I jumped blindly in what I thought was the right direction, but all of my complaints are miner game design stuff that you will learn slowly but surly, cuz this game being your first is really impressive keep up the good work bro :)

thx for your time man, and yeah what your saying makes sense , this version of the game is more like a prof of concept to see if people like it, in the full release I will pay more attention to quality of life improvements, hope fully the full version will be released here on and on the google play store, it will feature 20 levels and an endless mode with the option for the player to choose between 4 speed options for the endless mode, yet again I really appreciate that you took time out of your day to play my game, more so the fact the downloading android games from browser instead of the play store is a pain :0

thx for your time, I am thinking about making a full version google play store release, it will have 20 levels and an endless mode with the option to play on different speeds, I will try to fix/add as much of what you sad :)

thx for you time :)

your welcome + I will follow you I wana try the next version :D 

cool man, but I think that some sound and music wold have been nice, good job on the random generation and score saving that's actually not easy :)

thx :)!!!

thanks for your time, if your wondering how I did the trail there is a literal "Trail" component in Unity it's pretty simple to use : )


cool I like it, do you have a mobile version

I used to be scared of darkens as a kid, and heights too I am a weeb if you can't teal

yeah I am really surprised I didn't get in trouble for rating the game "E" on Newgrounds lol, happy you liked it :0

happy you had fun : )

yeah I meant that I was really surprised that only one person submitted, nice game tho good work : )

wtf is this jam

ok I will try it I have an android tablet

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i really wana chick this game out it looks cool, but it's an APK file so is this a Android only game or is there a pc version too ???

thx for your time, and yeah the game is provably too short, this is my first game jam I still need to learn allot about time management :)

I am trying my best this is my first game jam, so I am pretty happy to here that you enjoyed, and thx for your time :) :0 ;

I am happy you enjoyed it, and yeah your right I probable needed to make it were the level start screen only appears when you get to the level the first time and not for every re spawn, it actually not hard at all to do that I just didn't notice the problem sadly :(

cool man, the idea is so awesome and the graphics look really nice for the time you had, but sadly I got a glitch that just made the game not respond to my clicks so I had to restart the hall thing, and I think some post processing and music wold have went a far way in making it fell more polished, but really great work, I was impressed :D

no it's not my first game, it's probably my 5th I mean that it is my first game jam game and on top of that I needed to finish it in one night cuz a team mate I was supposed to work with syked on me :p

Yeah your right the camera and controls are not that great, I tried my best, this is my first game jam so it was kinda rough, thx for your time :) I know it's anointing to have to download it instead of playing in browser, I tried a WebGL Build and the post processing broke.

yeah I was trying to capture that same energy of these good old flash games, but yeah your right about the buttons I just cold not get them to work well sadly :( , and I got all the music from evan king ( he makes great free for use music make sure to check him out :)

thx man means a lout, this game is just something fast as I am getting ready for my first game jam, I am going to participate in GMTK game jam, so wish me luck = ) !!!

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the game works better in full screen for some reason :p

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it's made in Unity :)

I just want to make it clear that I am not associated with the legend who made this awesome game but as a dev my self I can answer.

I like this so fucking much thx you for making this this made my year XD :) :

thank you for your time, I am glade you found some enjoyment, I will tack your advice into consideration in my next game! I think that my problem with this game was the fact that I am new to polishing my games so that took so much time were I should have spinet more time making the game more entrusting, so yeah :)