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(1 edit)

Firstly, don't be rude

Lets count, if you can read that news, about delay, there is nothing about two weeks (
So count from PUBLIC news, from 02.07.2020.
Or you can't count? Or you just read the title of news about delay for patrons?

I read that news (  as well as comments on it. I understand correctly that Your employee made this comment ( ? Here's the answer where we got two weeks to wait. Yes, You are right that he did not specify from what point the time is counted but the response to your employee's comment (presented by Kincaid Blackwood at the bottom of the screenshot expresses the thoughts of everyone who follows Your project and we don't want to be held up as fools, but to speak plainly and frankly. Yes, I follow the news, and it also talked about another + - two days to the aforementioned two weeks of waiting. Why did I write all this? Find out the answer to a question that everyone cares about:"will everything be ready this week? "

Did that comment writed by sad crabs? Nope.

Release soon

don't get me wrong so there won't be any misunderstandings in the future he's not your employee?

He said wrong, read only official news.

I understand You. Special thank you for Your product

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