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Awesome! This is great, you did a great job keeping the scope small enough to be workable but with enough "meat" to make a game.

The only thing that lead to "feel bad" moments was teleporting and walking into the bullet they had just shot. I asmit, I don't see an easy solution for that. Maybe make the bullets spawn a little bit further away from the enemy as they shoot? Their bullets are so slow it restricts your movement in a not-so-fun way. But that's just fine tuning, the core idea and game are so great!

Thanks for the feedback! But yeah, the only thing to do if you teleport too close to a bullet going your way is to shoot in the direction of that bullet as soon as the game resumes (aka spam left click), because the bullets will cancel each other (which is not the most intuitive strategy really). And the bullet speed is a real dilemma, too fast and they become hard to avoid (and harder to take down), too slow and they become easier to take down but stay on the screen for longer.

Again, thanks for the feedback, I really apreciate it.

No, I meant the bullet the character has just shot, not one coming your way. Because you teleport when someone shoots, sometimes you are teleported to the same spot of the character that has just fired, and you can walk into the bullet.

Oh true, at that point only really paying attention would save you.