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(1 edit)

An interesting concept.

A few notes:

  • The fruits just landing on the boat randomly didn't make a ton of sense to me. It seems like if there were zones to go to pick them up it would have made more sense.
  • The boat control aspect barely fit the theme, but I think it's fine. I think the most frustrating thing for me was that the player didn't stick to the boat. I'd be feeling like I did well and then suddenly ping off into the water with no way of getting back onboard.
  • Perhaps a way of fitting the "out of control" theme would be to add elements like wind that blows the boat around, or keep a control pressed even if you aren't on it. That way you are "out of control" most of the time.
  • I'm unsure about other mechanics like the upgrades. It said I would get upgrades with a certain number of fruits, but then I'd hit that amount and nothing would change. Not sure if I was supposed to go to an upgrade menu or if it happened automatically? Seemed like it did on the first upgrade, but then not again.
  • There's really nothing to show you if you're near being shipwrecked other than seeing lots of fruits in your boat. Perhaps a load meter?

Thanks for letting me play your game!