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(1 edit) (+3)

An interesting concept, but it got samey pretty fast. This could probably be amended by adding more ship systems, maybe other crew members doing their own jobs or something. An idea I think would make the game-play feel more fair/interesting is to add doors between rooms, so each room has it's own oxygen, that way you can be bombarded by more than 3 asteroids without just dying because of built in limitations. Other than that, I think this game is a decent idea, and I'd be interested in seeing where you take it.


Thanks a lot for your comment ! You're completly true ! We all felt there were somethings missing while we were playing our game, but we were limited by the time ahah :P

We think that we could add more mechanics as you just said. Rooms with own oxygens, more ships or maybe dash to improve rythm of the game for example. We also plained to add score or timer.

Be sure we will try to update the game in order to make it more enjoyable !