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Great concept! Had a lot of fun with this one and played 5 rounds, though never could get past 108. Love how the health was represented by the size of the cells. It's awesome to watch all of the cells swarming.  The shape and way the multi-celled enemies moved was really cool. Loved the additional projectile upgrade. Really makes things go crazy.
I would love to see what this looks like with a a more detailed art style. Single flat colors looks good here, but I can imagine with a good artist, this game could really pop. 

I did feel like the upgrades slowing down time was a bit intrusive to the flow of the gameplay. The first time, it was nice because I needed to read to see what the upgrades were, but once I understood what was going with them, I could feel my flow getting interrupted by the game slowing down. Might be nice if the upgrades were on the side and popped up whenever you leveled up without slowing down time.

I still am not entirely sure what left and right click do. I believe one forces all of the cells to move to that spot, and the other lets them roam and attack as they please? I'm really not sure of the second one because it still puts down a dot on the map which to me indicates a place that cells should be moving to. This should be clarified. Maybe an animation of each of those things on the main menu could help. The font size on the instructions needed to be bigger as well.

Overall I had a lot of fun with it! Didn't mean to write this much, but I wouldn't have if I didn't think this game really hit on something for me.  Added to my collection and I'd love to see what a post-jam version looks like!

Thank you for the very detailed feedback! I really appreciate it. My record is 286, but it's extremely hard to get there. I messed up the balance on the last push. Never do last minute game balance changes :( It's a shame because the game get's really wild higher levels.

Yeah actually the art direction i went with is only because to save time. But this game can look so much better with some extra time on it. I will continue work post jam since i had a blast creating it.

Yeah i wanted to create a breathing room for the player since it get's so intensive, but i agree after a while it's more a annoyance.

Right click forces the cells to move to the point and ignore everything else, left click tells them to move there if they can, but if they see enemy cell types they will instead attack them instead.

Thank you again for the nice review.