A neat little game, could be quite good if you can get the bugs ironed out and really juice it up.
Some kind of animation for the cube's disappearance would have gone a long way, I think. I understand why you couldn't just leave them in the playing field, but it felt a little weird watching them suddenly disappear when I step onto a button (to no obvious effect).
I know people have already mentioned how finicky the grab is, but I wanted to give a bit more detail: it seems like you can only grab things from the left? Not ideal but definitely something you can work around. I also had some issues with grabbing springs making me slide backwards, and it threw me off that I could use wasd to move, but could only use the down arrow if I wanted to grab.
The multiple endings and the narration was a fun little bright spot in the game, the Portal and Stanley Parable inspiration definitely shines through. Congrats on getting a jam submission in!