I was taken to the days where I was trying to move the camera on PS1 games using my neck instead of the dualshock controller... My neck still hurts while typing this, and I am slightly dizzy...
when playing game Jams, I always try to see what happens if I do this, will it break if I do that? Are their collisions as messy as mine, something that is great to do even in commercial games.
but here.... oh no! I dreaded stepping on the spikes after my head was dislocated from my shoulders and my eyes were red from blood...
And to be honest, when marking the "Fun" category, my body was saying: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? THIS WAS NOT FUN AT ALL!
solid submission, the music and art try to balance out the excruciating pain, and you feel somewhat okay playing again :D ( I still suffered, I will be sending my medication bill to you shortly)