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A member registered Apr 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Loved how the events kept getting harder and harder, yet you could absolutely evolve the dude. I even ran faster than the camera at one point. 

Great work on the rings, a nice touch of creativity. And so polished to be able to see what each ring does by scrolling over once purchased!

couldn't have said it better! Sir Spectacles becomes an old time classic with another solid installation! 

The cartoon running and jumping was my favourite. So cool to see how different people approach the tasks!

So cool and silly! The fact that the dummy just dances and swings arms around is so cool!
I kept playing again and again. 

I might not win GDKO, but eat my dust!

Agreed! I also would have loved a faster menu navigation. 

32870 was my first time score. Took me a while to figure out how to run (didn't read hehe) but the animations... WOW!

The animations and world building is amazing!
I am so impressed with your work! Fantastic selection of games, brilliantly implemented!

Seeing the comments, I am obligated to say audio was great for me :D The flying monster knife throw was so well designed, its a close favourite after the running and jumping tasks.

(that skelly boi sure has a great cardiovascular system!)

Loved the whole random vibe with the hand drawn icons hehe. Sick music selection, matches well

Nice reversal of the idea, and great selection of events! The one with the shooting and the skating one kept being weird in fullscreen for me, might need a new laptop.

Great set of events! Loved how they were all according to your previous work and style! All very polished.

I also loved the progression between the three tasks.
So cool you have the time to actively work on GKDO this year! Your commitment to the rules is amazing, I should have not wasted time around with SFX either, maybe could have made a more solid game hehe

you got me good Malek!
Great work! Some of the endings do fit similar criteria I should have safeguarded against hehe

Indeed, you are right, reusing the Septembit assets to fit the narrative I wished to convey

Aww yissss, the Acerola certification of origin

Thanks for dropping by and giving it a go! And thanks for awesome jam!

hey HugBug! Thanks for dropping by! Glad you enjoyed these aspects of the game!

thanks for a great game!

Hey Patrick! Thanks for giving it a go and leaving feedback!

Maybe some of my tweets ended up being confusing as I might have decided to exclude stuff or things didnt manage to make it in the game hehe.

Of course, there was a slight bug that refills the well by consuming one blue cat, so that makes it all the more confusing hehe

I will definitely give you a shout once I make such a video! Endmark games plays it at 01:42 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2090879520 (if that helps)

Hey LordHermes! Thanks for the love and the support!
Glad you managed to reach it!

Hey MacSpain! Thanks for the support! Glad you stuck with it!

Hey LapoLinguini! Thanks for giving it ago, and for your kind words! You won against confusion hehe!

I like how I can admire fridge from afar!

Amazing work on this! Really liked how you used the effects at your disposal to make it all feel progressively weird! I also failed victim to the mini game... I guess you click or press space to change direction of the ball? Managed a few nice jumps but then got in the valleys that took 30-40 seconds to build momentum.

very cool game you have here! I love the story with the ball and then the test subject. Your animations are SICK! I love the hear, the naruto run, the story within the story! I also agree, the game fusion might have been a bit too much, but greatly implemented and it works! So good job! I got stuck on the first Godot platform, didn't know where I could go from there. I am being peculiar and would have liked if you kept it text-less for this round, but that doesn't take away from your great work!. Again, nice art, nice physics!

the only comfort I had while being torn to pieces in the basement was that my expensive polaroid pictures were being recycled once I reached a cap.

Great work with this, nice idea saying the story. Hate to admit, but turned my brightness all the way up for this so I could piss myself eyes wide open. 

Just a tip IRL, it helps to take off the hood when trying to drive, you have a better view of what is going on outside hehe

Help LordHermes!
Tried to find princess fell to the underworld (no princess)

Then saw warrior in house from window, gave sword and watch a marching.

We admired the caves together. 

To some it might seem as Lord Hermes not having enough time to complete this work, but actually I am convinced this game portrays the story of humanities fascination with archaeology. Let me explain. You are promised adventure and reward (the winged monster and the princess). You survey the land (as I did by going in the underworld). You gather your equipment, assemble a team. Things take time and you can only sit and watch. You go to the cite and admire the dank caves. Winning!

(just a bit of banter Hermes! Great work as previous comments have mentioned, its great you are expanding this! But in all honesty, I actually like my archaeologyI am convinced this game portrays the story of humanities fascination with archaeology story now hehe)

So cool what you've made! It fits your style perfectly and the game has such a nice depth to it!
I especially enjoyed how you changed even the description and your own links to this _______ ______ _______ format. Genius idea, amazing game!

I agree, great and original! I also suffered quite a lot on the dark level... took me ages to get up, then I assume a key was lost somewhere, fell down to find it many times.

pesky crocodiles and cheatas always jumping on my spear!

Great game, nice story ideas! Great use of the environment and the win/fail mechanics!

Big bois are the best to hunt, can be easier to spot hehe

Back into the spectaverse! The music never gets old!

oh yeah! Makes sense hehe

Mhm, makes sense!

While reading I had another question: I just noticed how curious it was you decided to make the characters move from right to left out the door. 

In addition, the fact you had a small staircase leading to the door was such a nice choice to guide the eyes

I get what you mean 100%.

I think its beautiful what you've created here, the characters, the story, the world building. It is brimming with passion ( I was also going say "and with life" but that would be ironic with all that exposed doot doot clacium).

oh cool! Thanks for the top gamer tip! I'll definitely have to try this again once I manage to play other peoples games!

hey Hazmatt! Thanks for the support and giving this a shot! 

I admire you have this rationale and you take steps towards this! I have so much to learn and so many things to account for. Congrats again!

woohoo! Flex! Thanks for sharing! 

I admire your commitment! 

awesome! Yep! Basically if you give 3 reds, and touch it, you should be done 

Hey Potatuetata! (that was pain to try and spell properly lol)

Thanks for sticking with it and getting 3! I know how weird it can be, having seen people stream their confusion a few times now hehe.

Glad you enjoyed the corrupted one! It certainly was fun to animate and see how the eyes worked XD

Amazing art, it just jumps at you! Do you do this professionally lol? I wished i could turn the pages back to read it again hehe.

The actual gameplay was cool (although it did bug me that the hair was blowing based on where I was facing).

Nice punches with the attacks, it gives a powerful sense (reminds me of the "Armed with Wings" games from Sun-Studios back in the flash days).

However, I couldnt make the final jump. I just cheesed it by going of the page and spamming the jump button).

I MADE A NOTE SO I WONT FORGET: "comment on the logo having no letters to comply with the round's theme"

XD man that was a great easter egg!

Amazing work! Great to see the story continue, allowing us to revisit the sewers <3 and giving choices of where to go and what to do! The long level climbing the buildings was my worst. I kept dying from falling down so many times I was about to quit.. and then i remembered your checkpoint system by hiding, and found the open windows. Loved the consistency you are showing with this world, love the story love the art! Congratulations on an amazing entry!

Such a cool game! The story on the painting was a great way to give context and narrative!
Also, the environmental story telling with all the souls moving to the door.. wow

Amazing work!

I am so annoyed I get to read all the comments about a great boss fight, yet I cannot get past the green puzzle with the pink arrows! After meeting Orange, you learn how to block the arrow traps. And then its this branching path with traps both ways (one has three in a row). How do I get past that please?

Such a sick game! I loved the story, loved the mechanics! It felt sooooo good to slam dunk the crystal straight in the portal with the "pushing away" psychics! Amazing work on this one GameFavorites!

The ending battles were also such a nice touch! Congratulations!

PS: I was curious about all those music credits. Where did all those names come from?

First off, really love how you used the art and the theme of cars through the rounds this year!
Loved the idea with the alarm showing the time (would have liked some feedback on the "button mash space" at that part, since I had no indication if my massing was doing anything. I applaud the idea of the quick space to get donut, as it does mimic irl situations.

Congratulations on a great submission even with the time constraints! you definitely made me panic with all the breathing XD

I see at the comments I was not the only one fooled with your story!

Amazing work Loten! Genius idea! Hiding in vents brings me back memories.

To be honest I have nothing else to add really. I am so happy I got to play this!

PS: seeing SCP at the end made me wonder if you were recreating a monster from the SCP foundation, only to find out it was the song hehe. Great work.

Came for the story, saw the amazing art, got the feels...

... man... congratulations! Its amazing what you created, and I applaud your decision to actually submit something! 

GDKO is such a hard competition in so many ways, and you have encapsulated that perfectly with your work, mentality and decisions. I truly feel so happy for you that you found your new home! 

May we all be jammin in the future.

Amazing work with this!
The art, the colours, the cutscenes, the SFX and music! But most importantly the puzzle aspects and your choice to allow people to skip or retry. Genius way to not create any walls for players to be frustrated, rather, allowing us to move at our own pace and experience the story, or try to do better in another puzzle. Amazing work with the mechanics in the puzzles btw, felt so smart when I managed to git all the water in some (few) levels.
PS: this game made me thirsty now. 

PS2: Thanks for providing the link to the final ending!