Hello. I just bought your game today and I wanted to stop by and thank you for your work on it. I also have some criticism if that's okay...
... Can you balance the combat a bit? I know you're working on a lot, but I think it's important. The combat is too random. In some fights, I completely obliterate the enemy, and in some, I get decimated; and those two results can happen for the exact same fight (same enemy). This happens because in some turns, the enemy will use a move that Silences all my characters (skips their turn) and there will be 3 enemies that can do this, so I get damaged down and multiple characters will die in one turn. After that it's over. As a result, I feel like I have very little control over battle results and there is not much strategy involved in the combat.
There are a couple of bugs:
1- If 2 silences get stacked on the entire party, the game gets stuck skipping their turns over and over.
2- Saving before going into the "Beer Mug Menu" (where I can go to dungeons, chat with characters, and check stats and quests) sometimes if I load back into the last save, it will actually go to the checkpoint as if my save was ignored/corrupted/deleted. Sometimes if I get a game over and go to load this happens as well. This never happens if I save, make a dialogue choice, then load back, so no problems there.
I love the storylines with each character. Great writing.