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Hello. I just bought your game today and I wanted to stop by and thank you for your work on it. I also have some criticism if that's okay...

... Can you balance the combat a bit? I know you're working on a lot, but I think it's important. The combat is too random. In some fights, I completely obliterate the enemy, and in some, I get decimated; and those two results can happen for the exact same fight (same enemy). This happens because in some turns, the enemy will use a move that Silences all my characters (skips their turn) and there will be 3 enemies that can do this, so I get damaged down and multiple characters will die in one turn. After that it's over. As a result, I feel like I have very little control over battle results and there is not much strategy involved in the combat.

There are a couple of bugs:
1- If 2 silences get stacked on the entire party, the game gets stuck skipping their turns over and over.
2- Saving before going into the "Beer Mug Menu" (where I can go to dungeons, chat with characters, and check stats and quests) sometimes if I load back into the last save, it will actually go to the checkpoint as if my save was ignored/corrupted/deleted. Sometimes if I get a game over and go to load this happens as well. This never happens if I save, make a dialogue choice, then load back, so no problems there.

I love the storylines with each character. Great writing.


Thanks for the detailed feedback. I've been tinkering with the combat system and your feedback helps me think of ways to improve it. I'll look into the bugs as well. 


Thank you for your work!