Thanks for the feedback - always very happy to receive any criticism to improve in the future.
Sounds like you had quite a negative experience in this game, which is a shame. In an ideal world, more playtesters (other than me on my own system) would obviously highlight some of these issues such as locking the cursor to screen so as not to limit rotation - they also only seemed an issue on the online version which I didn't get to spend much time playtesting at all which is a shame.
I completely agree about the camera speed and ideally, I would have had a player preference setting to adjust the speed of the camera.
Strange about the light, I imagine after 7 upgrades of it is must have been quite blinding when the scrollwheel was fully turned up! Again, this is probably something that could have been caught through proper playtesting and is something I will keep in mind for the future.
Thank you so much for persevering with the game, despite finding it frustrating. This was the first Jam I have entered and I have felt very fortunate to have received so much positive and constructive feedback from people playing something that I have made. Have certainly learnt that the lesson is to try and get others to playtest if possible within the 48 hours :)