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uhm.. i dont know if its bugged but i get 2 points with cade at the start.. and when i choose to help him i lost a point .-. and i got one back in the game so in the end i only have 2 points with him.. am i doing something wrong? or is it bugged? i re downloaded btw

Cade is a tricky one to get but with plenty of exploring with the choices you can get the 5 point with him it took me a while but it's possible

Thanks! ill keep trying then since i always got 3-4 points so far xD

Oof, this is really hard. I-I need guidance~ qwq


Ok I know it's hard so here is how to get 5 points with Cade: offer to help; remember next time; help  Cade; you can Figure it out!; loud encouragement( if the background changes your in the right path); hide with Cade; hide with Dylan; I'm not here to replace you; and the third one on Cades turn on the game CONGRATULATIONS you now have Cade 5 points the trick is that in order to get the 5 point you have to pick choices that don't increase or depletes points it takes some  experimenting to find them

Omg, thank you so much! You're a life saver~ Q///w///Q

so wait, it's bad if you have a surplus of points on the character you're aiming for?

That's not what I'm saying some choices might not increase the points immediately but those choices might give more choices that do increase points

Sorry if it dosen't makes sense I'm bad at explaining