Hey there! Nice game! I am a fan of Tactical turned-based, and this is a refreshing game! Ahhh, fresh air.
I read that you don't implement new features, but here are some comments anyways.
Comments :
- Suggestion : after a match in story mode, since we usually gain equipment, I suggest it goes back to the story menu, and not stay in the matches sub-menu (unless you don't win anything, maybe you want to play again)
- Suggestion : I was in the second match of the story mode, and I checked the match objectives, and I think it should be useful if they get "checked" while doing the match or something.
- Suggestion : in story mode, I would rename "Equipment" menu to "Players" or "Players & Equipment", so that we know where to consult/edit the stats/names etc
- Quality of life : I would like the options (sound/music volume) to be available while in a match.
- Suggestion : in the options menu, it would be nice to have a mouse-over text description on the Difficulty and Camera settings, to explain what they do.
- Suggestion : In story mode, we get explained that we don't get XP when playing against a weaker team, but the enemy teams level is not displayed in the Matches window.
- Bug? In the matches window, if you use a controller, you can press (Y) in order to see the match objectives, but there's no button for the mouse.
- Suggestion : Mouse-over description of stats would be great in the Player's window. I can't remember what's the difference between block and save.