1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
I personally wasn't fond of Neil to begin but I've found myself really enjoying his route! I love argumentative relationships and bickering so there's that and I think the masque was an interesting twist and a fun way to spin the relationship and added a lot to the way they interact in chapters 13 and on. His route is a little frustrating considering all the back and forth but I enjoy the drama and the romantic moments are enough to keep me interested in what happens next. By the end of chapter 18 I think I've really come to love his route (although, as user Reiyane said, curse cliffhangers aha).
2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?
I enjoyed reading about Joselina's time spent with Dimitri and found that even in only a short two chapters I left his route already very fond of him. The fact that Joselina was dating his brother does largely complicate my feelings toward his route but Dimitri on his own is a lovely character. I'm also very interested to see if he had anything to do with the reveal at the end of the second chapter.
3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?
Just going by first impressions my favorite character is Dimitri but overall I've warmed enough to Neil to consider him my favorite so far.
4. What's your favourite CG?
My favorite CG is probably Neil's first CG. It's such a silly but endearing moment in his route that kind of solidified the moment I started to appreciate his character as someone other than just a big ol' jerk.
5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
My favorite chapter by far was the masquerade because it was such an interesting one, visually and from a story perspective. The setting, character designs, and interactions with Neil were all very enchanting and romantic.
6. Which part was the most romantic to you?
Same as above!
7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?
Probably Sarah? She's such a fun, spunky character and such a wonderful friend and her relationship with Joselina is just too sweet.
8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen?
Not once!
9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button?
Yes! I had no difficulties with the design feature.
10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing?
None I noticed.
11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button?
12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated?
I found the UI very clean and easy to navigate. Being able to scroll wheel through design menus was a nice touch! The only issues I had were with the naming screen? It seemed a little odd to backspace using right click but considering it's such a brief moment it isn't a big deal.
13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
The story but I really enjoyed creating clothes and hope to explore the menus a bit more in the near future. I hope we'll have some story ties to the design system beyond just earning money, though? I think having to make chapter specific outfits or something like that would be a nice touch but definitely not necessary. I imagine making customer clothing will be fun in it's own right!
14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D
Absolutely! I had a great time in exploring the new features and really loved reading the new chapters!