The flashing lights on the menu screen might be an epileptic trigger, might want to watch out for that in the future. Also, the resource circles are a bit small. Outside of that, I'm not entirely sure what the resources do and how I want to allocate them. I thought I'd try to dump all the food into one city to get it ahead, but then it merged with a nearby city and reset its resources. Also, the city I'd be dumping all my corpses into was marked as optimal and started making technology despite not having any food. So, I started dumping all food, corpses, and technology into that city, but it wasn't clear if that was a good thing or not. The numbers go down so quickly and have long trailing decimals, so it's difficult to tell what the actual values are. I'd maybe try slowing down the rate of decay and lose the trailing decimals (use larger numbers instead if they need to be that precise). Seems like you have a vision for the game though and that's a good thing. I just wish that vision could be better communicated to the player so I know what it is that I am actually working towards.