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(1 edit)

Those are great ideas. The new game will actually not be this GTA-style one (though I may return to this one later) but it WILL involve sneaking around as a thief (with Metal Gear Solid types of guards/controls) so some of your suggestions may fit. Definitely agree about adding an unlockable all-nude mode and random BB conversations you can overhear (those should be fun to record.)

And you're welcome to do the Italian subtitles when it's all done--thanks for the offer!

Don't know the price yet--it will probably be cheaper for early adopters on Patreon, and slightly more after it's released, but definitely would keep it under $10.

Happy to be helpful. For the patron thing, I tried to buy another game of yours, but this site don't recognize my prepaid credit card (MasterCard). 

Yeah, itch can be picky about what cards they'll accept. If you want to message me I'll see if I can fix it