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Things I liked:

Some other people have been drawing comparisons to Doki Doki Literature Club, and I also see a connection there. However, you explored the consequences of player control in very different ways, particularly Scarla refusing to accept their lack of agency. Honestly, the whole second half (starting from the player outing themselves) had some nice philosophical undertones. The cheery music felt a little out of place, but cutting it out at the end was super impactful. Also, nice art!

Areas for improvement:

I hope you make this game a project going forward, because there's a ton more here to explore. There are some polish issues, but that's just the result of not having enough time (as expected for a game jam). The main thing is that the dialogue is very blunt, characters simply laying their beliefs out without any preamble or nuance. This improves somewhat in the second half, but expanding the length should help this. Some other people have complained about a lack of agency, but I feel like that's the whole point. What I would love to have seen is a slow transition from normal dialogue options to complete passivity-- it would help make the lack of agency feel more intentional, create some subtlety in the build-up, and really emphasize the cruel irony of being relied on by Magenta despite having no more freedom in this game than her (brilliant idea working that in, by the way).


I'm super impressed that this is your first game jam game. My first was definitely not this good, and I certainly couldn't have done this at 13. I hope you continue doing more game jams and working on this game-- I'm excited to see how you improve!