My experience playing this game: "Hey it's Flappy Bird but from another perspective. I died? Hmm, maybe the camera angle makes it a little hard to tell where the hit boxes for the pipes are. Level 1 Clear. OK, something weird is happening in level 2. Oh, the gravity is getting more and more each time. Oh no, I died. Hey, the gravity didn't reset when I died. It seems kind of impossible for me to press the space bar fast enough to keep this -- hey wait, I went through the floor. Oh well, maybe it still has forward momentum and if I wait a bit, it'll clear the level from down here. Hey wait, why's the ball turning black? Now it's turning into a planter? Now it's a cylinder? Now it's a circle and a needle? Now it's a beam of light that does not want to be contained to the likes of this small screen?"
Currently, my screen is entirely red, but every few seconds the Flappy comet will flash by, letting me know that I'm not alone in this world.