Interesting mechanic, and great aesthetic. I'd say that the 8-directional controls don't seem to be very intuitive - seems like only jumping and moving forward so far I played, so it would be more streamlined with just those movements. The "loss of control/command" is also a little unclear.
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Thanks for playing!
Jump forward + move forward are indeed the core moves required to progress, the other moves offer additional and often easier alternatives. The game wouldn't be more streamlined with just those movements as then it would not be possible to lose any movements, it's the issue you'll see with other 'moves = lives' jam submissions - as soon as you lose a single core movement it's game over. I've designed mine so the extra moves make the game easier but are not required to progress, and you lose them in an order that does not fully impede you of making progress until you actually reach a game over state.
I'm not sure how the loss of control would be unclear depending on how invested you were in the game, it's represented in multiple ways:
- You literally lose your moves/commands whenever you take damage
- When the clock completes a turn, your reactions get slower - your inputs are queued +1 turn later, which is reset by taking damage
- For every damage you take, the clock timer gets shorter, inevitably spiraling your loss of control
- All movement happens on a set, universal timer - you do not fully control the time of your actions & reactions
- Once a movement key is pressed, you cannot willingly take it back or change your input, only taking damage will stop queued moves
- Thematically, the game is built around the concept of human aging & a slow process of death by loss of one's own functions/control of self
- The gameplay loop is designed in such a way that the end is inevitable, you cannot avoid losing yourself and dying, you can fight harder against it but your own death is beyond your control
If none of these aspects were apparent to you, please do share what you took/understood from the game and its workings as I haven't seen anyone mention not finding any "loss of control" in the game so far and it would be interesting to understand what you interpreted. Cheers!
Sorry, I meant the mechanics for gradually losing control (other than the obvious end state) are a little opaque to grasp (as thematic it may be) e.g. its a little unconventional to have a reducing timer over time / reset in the reaction time due to taking damage. So half of the time is not being sure what's happening in the game (which I guess is the point?). I do think that you've represented that out of control theme really well.
Oh yeah certainly - that falls more in the grounds of more direct communication & proper tutorialization, which has been a common complaint and I wish I’d noticed the issue before submitting.
The submission version’s timer is also way too long... I didn’t manage to balance the 30s base timer so I had to fall back to the 60s one...
Taking damage resetting the delay is also a equalizing mechanic, it’s there to minimize the gap between better players and those having a hard time - kind of “no matter how hard you try or how well you do, you too shall perish”.