I just commented this because your sound designer had commented that mine didn't have sound lol
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If I had time, the way the game would work is as follows:
- There would be multiple humans throughout the facility
- You could attach/remove parts to yourself (the black thing)
From that you can do a lot of things, ie the "IOU A HUMAN SCANNER" sign was a room where a scanner would check if you had a living human head and living human legs (body parts attached to you come back to life, as seen with the legs). Then you can do weapons, different legs, just stacking up more body parts so you get different reaches and so forth.
But yeah, the game's supposed to be you playing as the black thing - the human is just an intro and teaching the controls.
In this version, the way it's supposed to go is the human gets blown to bits, you become the black thing and climb on the legs.
From that, you use your tentacle to drag the dead human's torso with the hand, or just drag the hand, to activate the hand scanners and get to the "ending".
There's very little programming involved with the 'animations', just clever usage of engine features - the only relevant script for the lines is a bezier curve script.
The legs are line renderers with the points positioned in such a way that they properly flex when different points attached to the body or feet move relative to one another.
The large tentacle is also a line renderer, the points are initially positioned within a rectangle (ie offset within a parent object) - I can then rotate and scale this parent object to get the 'animations' of the tentacle reaching out.
The human body's slinky-like behaviour is somewhat programmed however, it changes the relative angle of each joint when you move left and right.
The mess I mentioned is how the feet move - they try to move a set distance from the center of the body, but they stop if they reach a low velocity. The body then catches up to a different position depending on which foot is moving (so if you're moving right, while the right foot moves the body won't move, then it catches up, then left foot moves). This is the extremely dumb part, as doing it relative to the body that's also trying to move relative to the feet is what caused all the trouble. Had I used one foot's distance to the other, it would have been much easier.
I did the walking logic in an extremely awful way that makes tweaking the speed an absurdly cumbersome process unfortunately - it pains me as well but fixing it would require time I no longer had - same for sounds, I was about 2h away from having sounds (you can see that I already had some objects set up for it ex dripping water) but alas I bit way more than I could chew in this one :P
cheers, thanks for playing and for the straight feedback
I like how the tutorialization is very natural, both for the forms as well as the combinations. The game works nicely for the short levels - for the longer levels, having to redo sections or just slowly moving across long distances instead of actively interacting with the game's mechanics makes it drag on a bit.
Thanks for the heads up! Played and finished the new version - only got logs in the last level (which I think is the original one?) it's certainly far more enjoyable now! You seem to be experimenting with level shapes as well, I'd suggest trying levels that go in one direction (bottom up, left to right etc) and then having a few branching paths along the way that converge back - that way you maintain the secretness or difficulty of some logs without generating some type of maze. Cheers!
Oh yeah certainly - that falls more in the grounds of more direct communication & proper tutorialization, which has been a common complaint and I wish I’d noticed the issue before submitting.
The submission version’s timer is also way too long... I didn’t manage to balance the 30s base timer so I had to fall back to the 60s one...
Taking damage resetting the delay is also a equalizing mechanic, it’s there to minimize the gap between better players and those having a hard time - kind of “no matter how hard you try or how well you do, you too shall perish”.
You can progress up until you lose the second to last move - then you're in a delayed game over state, you've already lost by that point and you are correct in that regard. You're in a terminal state where you have to move yourself into obstacles to end the suffering/game - otherwise it takes.... about 2 minutes? to end from timing out.
Had some issues with confusing colors (a great deal of the green objects like the parasols looked cyan or very close to yellow on my screen), but that was quick to sort out. Also, depending on the combination of keys held down, most keyboards do not react too well and become unable to detect certain key presses - not sure if that was intended but on mine if I held G+V then the up arrow key would no longer be detected.
Other than those small issues, it's a cool, fun one - wish it was a little longer!
Cheers and congrats on the submission!
Thanks for playing!
Jump forward + move forward are indeed the core moves required to progress, the other moves offer additional and often easier alternatives. The game wouldn't be more streamlined with just those movements as then it would not be possible to lose any movements, it's the issue you'll see with other 'moves = lives' jam submissions - as soon as you lose a single core movement it's game over. I've designed mine so the extra moves make the game easier but are not required to progress, and you lose them in an order that does not fully impede you of making progress until you actually reach a game over state.
I'm not sure how the loss of control would be unclear depending on how invested you were in the game, it's represented in multiple ways:
- You literally lose your moves/commands whenever you take damage
- When the clock completes a turn, your reactions get slower - your inputs are queued +1 turn later, which is reset by taking damage
- For every damage you take, the clock timer gets shorter, inevitably spiraling your loss of control
- All movement happens on a set, universal timer - you do not fully control the time of your actions & reactions
- Once a movement key is pressed, you cannot willingly take it back or change your input, only taking damage will stop queued moves
- Thematically, the game is built around the concept of human aging & a slow process of death by loss of one's own functions/control of self
- The gameplay loop is designed in such a way that the end is inevitable, you cannot avoid losing yourself and dying, you can fight harder against it but your own death is beyond your control
If none of these aspects were apparent to you, please do share what you took/understood from the game and its workings as I haven't seen anyone mention not finding any "loss of control" in the game so far and it would be interesting to understand what you interpreted. Cheers!
This is great in every way - only felt like a bit more on the sound side could do wonders, but it was already wonderful. Love the concept of the monster trying to avoid destruction but being deeply flustered about it's inability in doing so - animations and the look on the dino are great!
Cheers and congrats on the submission!