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this is a brilliant puzzle game, probably one of the most creative ideas ive seen in a while, and definitely one of the most fun. what this game could use, though, is some polish. a more clear main menu, a tutorial, and a few more levels that push this concept even further would really take this game to the next level.

there were also a few bugs that stood out to me: the music on the levels wasn't looping, on the last level there was a region where i couldnt move to even though there was space to move there, and there was an instance of a box being pushed over spikes but the spike hole sprites still appearing on top of the box. the suicidal AI also sometimes kept trying to go to spikes that were covered up, instead of pathfinding to spikes that were uncovered.

overall, this is a super original idea that is very fun and has a lot of potential moving forward. great work!


Thanks Max!

I’m well aware of all those bugs, and pretty much agree with all the points you raised. Ultimately, we bit off more than we could chew for this gamejam (and were a bit rusty in the gamedev department). I think it could have worked out if we had prioritized our tasks better, but maybe the scope was too large from the start.

Originally we also wanted to have additional personalities besides just the two present in this version, and additional hazards besides just spikes, but that also had to be scoped down during development.